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Art History Tarot Deck for Reading Past Lives

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Art History Tarot Deck for Reading Past Lives

Post by redladyorchid » ... lives.html

Hello! I am a medium and tarot reader who has been practicing professionally since 2013. At shows, I offered past life readings in my services and I was always surprised by how many people wanted to read their past lives! The tarot was amazing for insight, but the client always wanted to know (understandably) where and when this life occurred. I would have to leave the tarot and rely on my mediumship to locate place and time. The transitioning was jarring, and I felt like there should be a way to use tarot to locate place and time.

What I did was find the astrological sign for certain countries and areas, and paired that with a corresponding tarot card that had that same astrological sign. I took cards that were less concrete (such as the ace of wands) that don't offer as much detail for a past life reading to use for countries/eras.

The book explains the root energy of the traditional card, as well as an alternative explanation that offers a more direct tarot/past life interpretation if that particular designation isn't resonating, or if you happen to pull two countries/time periods. There's also a system for prioritizing place and time within the spread so you don't get too confused.

I used art history for all of the cards and the artist's birth place/time, dwelling and time the art was created all offer place and time clues as well. There's a Youtube review in the link.

Price includes shipping if within the US. Feel free to ask questions! ... lives.html
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Re: Art History Tarot Deck for Reading Past Lives

Post by Nemia »

The concept is interesting and the cards look beautiful. Do you sell it only from the shop you linked to? Do you plan selling it also through Red Little Tarot shop or other non-US shops? Would save some shipping costs ;-)

Most of your art is from the Renaissance and Baroque - which makes the deck stylistically unified and harmonious but for Past Lives readings I'd have preferred to have pre-historic paintings and postmodern art and everything in between. The deck is also very Eurocentric - even the African depicted was painted by a European.

It's difficult to judge though without having worked with the deck. I'll keep an eye on it, I have a soft spot for art decks and like the innovative concept.
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Re: Art History Tarot Deck for Reading Past Lives

Post by redladyorchid »

I actually acknowledged in the introduction that the deck is Eurocentric and provided a few tips for making it less so. The deck includes all continents on their own card (well, not Antarctica) and the most populated countries within each continent, (that was the fairest way)

I did make attempts to make the deck as diverse as possible. Since I was limited to the public domain, it was very difficult. The most difficult challenges I faced were finding African artists and finding an image of a black female that wasn't sexualized.

At first, I was going to have the top two countries represented in each continent, but since SO much of the art was European, I let the art stand for those countries and gave the room to other areas of the world. I am currently working on an expansion deck that will have country replacement cards in order to refine your reading to a geographical area.

I first decided what kind of image or person I wanted on the card, and started my search with that, rather than the art itself. I selected images that would print well, which is why you see a lot of Baroque, dark backgrounds, and good use of light, etc.

For now, the deck is available on my website, and will be available on Amazon from private seller sometime next week. I'm just starting with distribution, but it's really dependent on how much success I have starting out. Thanks for all the questions, and the opportunity to talk more about my deck! :D

There was a really good review done of this deck by The Truth in Story
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Re: Art History Tarot Deck for Reading Past Lives

Post by Nemia »

Ah, that's great to know, thank you! The concept is innovative and the deck looks good. Thank you for answering me, it's always great to ask deck creators directly.

There are four elements on the card: the image itself - the tarot title e.g. Hermit - the past life meaning e.g. Africa - and the information about the art work. The tarot title and past life meaning lift the image to a universal level where everybody can get information, and you invested a lot of thought on making them fit. I'm afraid the information about the work of art by let's say Jacob Jordaens etc might take me away from that universal level to something concrete, specific. I didn't work with the deck so I can't say whether that would really disturb my focus on the question (I'm an art historian and that my distort my reactions...). But it's additional information concerning a time and place. So there's a lot of information to work with on each card.

Wow, it would be fascinating to use your deck with a pendulum to get more information. Or to use it with a second deck, an oracle or Lenormand. Its openness seems to invite interaction with other media. It's like a net to catch information. Oh, one could make readings concerning persons and locations now, not only in the past. Fascinating stuff.

I love that it's borderless, I always find cards without borders more immersive, more accessible. I'm really happy you posted your deck here. It's a great idea. I hope the deck will be available on European Amazon, too. Right now, German Amazon and UK Book Depository sell only the book without the cards.

Please, if there are more reviews that you're aware of, put them here.
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