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NWT #15: Chem Trails or Don't Cry For Me, Arginine

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NWT #15: Chem Trails or Don't Cry For Me, Arginine

Post by chiscotheque »

Question: Is happiness just chemicals flowing through your brain or something more?

Card: The Empress / Madonna
3 madonna FINAL.jpg

Answer: Madonna, the Material Girl, reveals in her typically demonstrative way that happiness is just chemicals flowing through your brain. Not to mention elsewhere. Having said that, happiness is also something more - or feels like something more, since that something more is feeling. Music can be reduced to just sound waves but, like happiness, it is also an event occurring in time and space. Humans receive this event as experience, one that causes a reaction - from getting up and dancing to getting up and turning off the stereo. Love, too, is another example of simple chemicals, capable of getting men to eat fire or humble pie. Just as The Empress is the card in the tarot deck that modern audiences have turned into an object of fetish, it's we humans made of chemicals who make of our chemicals "something more". Therefore, what we do with that hit of happiness is really what matters - how we put on a pedestal, throw money at, and position our lives around the flow of our own chemicals.

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