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Patrick Valenza/Deviant Moon - Pirated Decks

If you are a deck creator, writer, printer, professional reader, shop owner, or just want to learn more about the business side of Tarot, this is the place for you to discuss the issues, ideas, and innovations of the Tarot Biz.
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Joined: 02 Feb 2020, 09:45

Patrick Valenza/Deviant Moon - Pirated Decks

Post by Papageno »

Buyer Beware Counterfeit Decks Amazon and eBay

I've been seeing this very obvious ad for fake Deviant Moon Tarot decks on eBay for the longest time, and I'm sure many of you have too.
It's got to be one of the most bizzarre ad campaigns I've ever come across, I mean it really is strange if you think about t. :roll:


"So, these pirate decks keep popping up all over Amazon and Ebay....Buyer Beware! These counterfeits are small size and horrible quality. If you see them for a very low price with free shipping from China, will be ripped off.

We ordered a deck just to see and compare and will be putting up a video shortly. This problem is not just with the Deviant Moon deck, but nearly ALL popular decks out today."

The inmates at Fernwood are not pleased, Mildred Payne is definitely not pleased, and THE MAN at the Asylum says to share this post, so I am.
Rocket Raccoon: Blah, Blah, Blah.....
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