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Rachel’s Sacred Days of the Autumnal Equinox 2021 with the Angel Tarot

Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 21:36
by Rachelcat
This deck popped into my mind as the one I want to use, and now I see I used it last year! I think it’s the autumnal colors. It’s very yellow and red. So maybe a tradition is born! I look forward to working and playing with you all on this endeavor!

Day 1: 18.9. Ludi Magni Games - Roman games in honour of the god Jupiter, celebrated with circus performances. This card reflects the spirit of celebration in your life, and how you can bring more joy and playfulness to yourself and others.

Sep 18.jpg

VII Wands
To enjoy myself more, I should enjoy competition and games! I need to figure out how to get involved in active celebratory activities, rather than receptive consumption of entertainment. A very appropriate card for the subject, and a happy beginning to our seasonal commemoration!

Re: Rachel’s Sacred Days of the Autumnal Equinox 2021 with the Angel Tarot

Posted: 19 Sep 2021, 14:26
by Rachelcat
Day 2: 19.9. Day of Our Lady of La Salette - an apparition of the Christian Mother of God/Holy Virgin. She brings message of hope to humanity. Where is your personal source of hope and spirituality?

Sep 19.jpg

II Coins
Where there’s life there’s hope.

I’ve been reading a lot of atheist books and websites. My attraction is twofold. Most importantly, morality. The morality of religion, any and all religions, is just awful. And not only the monotheistic ones either! And secondly, I’m becoming more and more skeptical (maybe cynical) as I age. I just can’t believe something because someone said so with no proof. Besides, what good does that do me or anyone?

So I’m seeing these coins first of all as materialism/naturalism. I have hope in nature and science. I see the specifically 2 Coins as give and take, a constant flow of energy and matter, which is life itself. The existence of life, an amazing counter-entropy force, is miraculous and hopeful enough for me. I don’t need any of the strange baggage that comes along with it. And after I finished this I see the ribbon is a bright, lively shade of green!

I’ll get off my soapbox now! I’m just having fun playing with ideas! I hope you have a very happy day!

Re: Rachel’s Sacred Days of the Autumnal Equinox 2021 with the Angel Tarot

Posted: 20 Sep 2021, 20:22
by Rachelcat
Day 3: 20.9. Sedna, Inuit Goddess of the Sea - This card asks you to address your fears and shadows before the winter comes, like the Inuit did in their Sedna festival.

Sep 20.jpg

XVI. The Tower
Well, that’s appropriate! This card is saying I need to face may all-or-nothing fear. Either everything is perfectly fine or everything is completely in the toilet. Neither are true most of the time. Also, I’m in a very worry and procrastinate place. I keep thinking of long term things I need to deal with and then think of some time I can do that after. After the wedding is a good one, but that’s not until May. I probably need to deal with at least most of these things before then. And the sooner I do, then I won’t have to worry about them anymore!

Good advice, Tower!

Have a happy full moon evening, everyone!

Re: Rachel’s Sacred Days of the Autumnal Equinox 2021 with the Angel Tarot

Posted: 22 Sep 2021, 14:16
by Rachelcat
Day 4: 21.9. Sukkot - This Jewish holiday celebrates the gathering of the harvest and commemorates the miraculous protection provided for the children of Israel when they left Egypt. It also honours the 6 directions. Consider the meaning of shelter and the space you are privileged to occupy.

Sep 21.jpg

X Coins
Well this is certainly apropos. I love my house and garden and everything. It needs some serious fixing up, but I’ll get there eventually. It’s livable for me. But it also definitely has market value, or will once it’s fixed up. It’s a big house with big rooms, a great garden thanks to my ex, and an unbeatable location. So, while it’s my home and a comfortable place for me, it can also be a source of prosperity and abundance for us: me, my ex, and my son. But I’m just not ready to do anything about that yet. For now, it’s just a comfortable home. That needs some work.

Re: Rachel’s Sacred Days of the Autumnal Equinox 2021 with the Angel Tarot

Posted: 22 Sep 2021, 14:18
by Rachelcat
I’m going to stick my full moon reading here.
Full Moon in Virgo, Corn Moon, Abundance

Pisces full moon.jpg

The abundance I seek: II Swords
I seek an abundance that make sense to me. And one that is balanced to include others.

My relationship to abundance: King of Swords
But I still want to be in charge of it myself! I’ll relate to it my way, again in a way that makes sense to me, if not anyone else.

How can I be more open to abundance? VIIII Cups
I need to figure out what really makes me happy. Me, not anybody else. If you don’t know where you want to go, you’re not going to get there.

What is the obstacle? The World
Everything? I have everything I need. I just need to put it in order. Disorder is the obstacle.

How can I clear away the obstacle? The Star
By being aware of my blessings and being a blessing to others.

What is my motivation? I Coin
I do want money as my abundance. It’s the only abundance you can be sure of. For some reason, I think this means I’m motivated to save for retirement. I have everything I need right now, but only cash money in the bank will be sufficient for the future.

How can I align my motivation with my higher self? VIII Coins
(8=Mercury) Back to the swordsy, airy thing again. I can take care of myself, and my higher self, by being sensible and figuring out the best way to do that. And acting on it.

What is a step I can take to manifest my desire? Strength
I just have to bite the bullet and do the figuring out work that needs to be done. Be courageous to take the first steps. It will be worth it.

Outcome that will manifest my abundance: Emperor
I will be totally fine with all finances if I do what needs to be done and truly take charge. After that, smooth sailing as the captain of my own ship!

This deck really is quite yellow, isn’t it. I’m enjoying it for autumn!

Re: Rachel’s Sacred Days of the Autumnal Equinox 2021 with the Angel Tarot

Posted: 22 Sep 2021, 14:19
by Rachelcat
Day 5: 22.9. Autumn Solstice - Libra - Mabon - the day of perfect equilibrium. A day for two cards. What is growing in your life, what is decreasing? This two-card reading reflects the balance of your energies and, if there is imbalance, what you need to address.

Sep 22.jpg

Decreasing: VIIII Coins
Abundance for myself alone is decreasing. I’m taking real steps to share what I have with others. My prudence is decreasing! Doing the right thing means taking risks. Well, they seem like risks to me, just to be doing something different.

Increasing: VI Wands
I will become more of a leader, and I will be successful. I’ll take it!

Now I’m all caught up! See you tomorrow for more equinox goodness!

Re: Rachel’s Sacred Days of the Autumnal Equinox 2021 with the Angel Tarot

Posted: 23 Sep 2021, 13:55
by Rachelcat
Oops, I missed the update. I wondered why I was off kilter! I’m going back to this one. Then I’ll be back on track!

Day 6 (for me): 23.9 (for me). Chinese Moon Festival - Today we make an offering to the moon to connect with the spirits of friends and loved ones who we are not able to be with in person. The full moon symbolises wholeness. This card asks you to consider how to span the distance we feel from others and bring them closer.

Sep 23.jpg

Knight of Cups
If I want to be closer to my loved ones, I have meet them halfway. At least. I’m the one that needs to move toward them. And also offer something of myself. The introvert’s challenge! Just because I’m an introvert doesn’t mean I don’t love my family and friends. But it also doesn’t mean I should get away with not trying to connect and giving something of myself.

Message received! Have a happy day (whatever day it is)!

Re: Rachel’s Sacred Days of the Autumnal Equinox 2021 with the Angel Tarot

Posted: 24 Sep 2021, 17:10
by Rachelcat
Day 7: 24.9. Greek holiday Pyanopsia - Thanksgiving for the fruits of the sun. Wind white or purple wool around a laurel or olive branch, and hang or arrange fruit around it. These don't have to be actual fruit - you can write on a paper things that you are grateful for. What is the fruit of your past action, ripening now?

Sep 24.jpg

This kind of looks like two different things to me, so two cards!

Something I’m grateful for: The Lovers
I’m thankful for having the choice to live by myself without a romantic relationship. One of the very nicest things my ex ever did was leave me to go find himself. And I’m not being snarky at all. I’m sure he had various motivations, but I truly think one of them was doing a good and kind thing for me. (My son is still skeptical and thinks that ex thought I would change my mind and beg for him back. But I think ex knew I would never do such a thing out of pride, even if I thought about it. Which I never did, not for a minute.) Anyway, it is definitely a positive in my life and I’m thankful for it no matter how it was intended.

Fruit of a past action that’s ripening now: King of Wands
And this goes with the previous. I had to be free to be able to be the king of my own life. Sometimes it’s scary to have to make all my own decisions (even now) but so much better than not being in control of my own life! Especially if the someone who IS in control is erratic about it.

So much to be thankful for! I sometimes forget how bad it was, and how good I have it now! That’s why thanksgiving and gratitude time is so important! Have a very happy day!

Re: Rachel’s Sacred Days of the Autumnal Equinox 2021 with the Angel Tarot

Posted: 25 Sep 2021, 21:26
by Rachelcat
Day 8: 25.9. Holiday of Neptune - This is a card about anger and anger management. Contemplate about how you deal with negative feelings. Is there a way to transform negative energies into positive ones, making your anger pull your carriage and drive you on?

Sep 25.jpg

Ace of Wands
Again, very apropos! Energy is energy. I can use my energy, wherever it comes from, to be destructive or constructive. I’m a recovering Buddhist (kidding not kidding), so I’m still a little wary / worried about owning, having, or using negative feelings. They’re considered something to control until they dissipate. I still think that’s probably the best way to deal with anger, but the Ace says I should at least experiment with redirecting the energy instead of waiting for it to pass. Interesting.

Re: Rachel’s Sacred Days of the Autumnal Equinox 2021 with the Angel Tarot

Posted: 26 Sep 2021, 18:51
by Rachelcat
Day 9: 26.9. Vendémiaire - month of the grape harvest in the French revolutionary calendar month. Raise your glass to your big and small achievements in the last year, either with wine or grape juice, and enjoy your success.

Sep 26.jpg

King of Wands
This guy seems to be turning up a lot for me lately. My success this past year is being more proactive. About everything. I’m progressing from exerting energy to just surviving to doing things that I want to do, or that I should do. Good to know I started adulting in my 60s! Better late than never! Cheers!

Re: Rachel’s Sacred Days of the Autumnal Equinox 2021 with the Angel Tarot

Posted: 28 Sep 2021, 17:43
by Rachelcat
Day 10: 27.9. Maha Navami - a Hindu holiday celebrating goddess Durga's victory over a demon. Part of the celebrations is chanting. Reflect on a victory you want to win over the next three months, and devise a chant for it. Write it down where you can see it and envision the joy you will feel when you reach this goal.

Catching up for yesterday!

I want to be a successful tutor. My minimalist chant:

Teach and learn!
Lead and join!
Be humble and be proud!

Sep 27.jpg

VIIII Swords
Justice and karma. Consequences are a real thing, for actions good and bad, but I think it will be more likely that I’ll be able to achieve good actions with good consequences rather than the opposite. And I don’t want to sound too high and mighty but I really want to do this for justice. These kids have just as much potential as the most privileged kids, they just need more resources for their potential to be recognized.

In the initial training we actually learned about “white savior” syndrome and how to try to avoid that. Words are important in that respect. I was going on about “helping kids,” which is what I truly think I’m trying to do, but I have to remember that I’m not “giving” them something or “pulling them up” or something dumb like that. I’m just older (a LOT older) so I have more experience and more time that I hope I can share with them.

Be right back with today's card!

Re: Rachel’s Sacred Days of the Autumnal Equinox 2021 with the Angel Tarot

Posted: 28 Sep 2021, 18:40
by Rachelcat
Day 11: 28.9. Eleusinia - an ancient Greek holiday, commemorating Demeter and Persephone. She has to leave the world of growth and abundance and descend to the realm of death. This card reflects grief, sadness and the traces of tears in your life. Acknowledge and honour them.

Sep 28.jpg

I Sword
I’m more of a thinker than a griever. I don’t have a lot to grieve for, thank goodness! I’m still on my atheist reading jag, so I’ve been thinking a lot about death and if there’s anything after, and if believing in life after death is good or bad for people. I mean, I know it’s probably more important to figure out if it’s true or not, but if it’s not, why do so many people still believe it? I’m looking at the card and into my head pops “what’s the big idea?” So I guess the card is asking me if death and grieving are a big idea or a big thing in my life, or just a part of life for everyone . . .

Have a lovely day today!

Re: Rachel’s Sacred Days of the Autumnal Equinox 2021 with the Angel Tarot

Posted: 29 Sep 2021, 17:44
by Rachelcat
Day 12: 29.9. Meditrinalia - an ancient Greek holiday honoring the goddess of healing. Think about your healing process and how you can continue it. Where do you draw strength from? How can you heal and nurture yourself in the future? Pamper yourself today and close these twelve days of introspection with healing thoughts.

Sep 29.jpg

II Coins
This is a health and healing card. Getting and spending. Garbage or good things in, garbage or good things out. Balance of the physical. At the most basic, calorie counting, balancing what you take in with that you spend. Numbers don’t lie!

Simple but to the point! And that’s healthy, too! Living well doesn’t have to be complicated, and simpler is usually better.

A good message to end on. I’ll be back with a deck of the week on Sunday! Everyone, enjoy your autumn days!