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Will he come back

❤️ What are they thinking? What are their intentions? Is it over? Will they call? Should I text back?
All your love and relationship questions can be asked and studied right here!
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Forum Description: ❤️ All your Love questions in one place! ❤️

In this forum you can post readings you have done regarding love and relationship questions.These can be readings you've done for yourself or for someone else (respecting privacy of course)

**please note: this is not a space to request free readings. It is for getting feedback on your work.

All decks, all spreads and all styles and techniques can be shared here. Whenever possible, please post photos of the spread to help us understand better how you conducted your reading.

***IMPORTANT: Please do not just post a spread and ask for others to do the reading for you. This space is to get feedback on an actual reading you have completed. Provide as much detail as possible, the question, the deck you used and the positions of the cards, and your FULL INTERPRETATION of it. Please read Protocol for more information.

AND REMEMBER: If someone responds with feedback and helps you with your reading, it is only polite to acknowledge it and return feedback. It is this back-and-forth that makes this forum work. Thank you so much now enjoy! ❤️
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Joined: 10 Oct 2022, 21:00

Will he come back

Post by arnaudgustave »

Hello =)

To start, I was in a relationship with a guy for 3 years and he broke up with me.
We were really in love his family would write him off if they found out he was gay, and after his studies, he had to move to a different country as his not from where I was but he studied in my city. It's been 10 months now since we broke up.

I've done a 4-card reading, from the left card 1 was for the situation, card 2 challenge, card 3 advice and card 4 outcome.
From my understanding of card 1 is that my ex will come speeding back towards me but from a situation point of view It might be that his doing what his parents want him to do and wearing the crown to make them proud that he is following their dreams for him.?

Card 2 is the challenge card. I see this as he is sitting on the fence and unsure of what route to follow. The route of his parent's dreams for him or to come back to me.

Card 3 advice card. He always mentioned once he is financially stable and not reliant on his parents he would tell them his gay. Maybe this is the advice that he is building an income and being self-reliant?

Card 4 potential outcome. I see this card as a very positive yes that he will return.

If someone can please give me some advice, I'm not sure if I'm open-minded in my reading and I'm also not sure of the meaning of all 4 cards together and how to interpret them together for the question "will my ex return".

I'm using a rider waite card deck and my cards are mixed between upside down and right up

Thank you so much
Kind regards
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Joined: 27 Oct 2021, 20:17

Re: Will he come back

Post by Leah »

Hi there - Ace Swords, 7C, 6P, Ace Cups

This is a hopeful and positive spread likely indicating a reconcilliation further down the line. Firstly two aces in a spread indicates a move, either job, home or possibly both. The 7C indicates opportunties opening up, a changing situation and the consideration of "What do I want?" with regards possible paths within the situation.

The ace swords indicates a fresh plan or stratagey on the table and a firm and steadfast mindset with regard goals, wishes and direction.

7C ushers in elements of romantism into the picture, there's a sense of wishful thinking or daydreaming which is positive rather than negative.

6P indicates getting what you deserve and in this case what you deserve is no doubt positive due to being flanked by two aces in the spread, one of which indicates love and a healthy positive relationship. From another angle however 6P also indicates getting what you deserve in terms of securing a job as it rep income whilst the ace S indicates hard work and study and the ace C rep a much loved and fulfilling job so success is on the cards where drive is concerned.

It seems that with regard this relationship in the future tense there will be consideration around a fresh plan, a relocation and new opportunities to get what you truly deserve in 6P with regard the relationship represented in the ace C.

With regard timing it's anyone's guess, however note in the 6P the figure on the card is a beneficiary of financal support and this factor may indeed be the game changer and catapult for change once the dynamic is no longer in play and your ex is financially stable and independant, it's likely sparking the opportunities that are presenting themselves within the situation at that point in time rep in 7C.

Kind regards, Leah.
Posts: 2
Joined: 10 Oct 2022, 21:00

Re: Will he come back

Post by arnaudgustave »

Wow, thank you so much for your stunning interpretation !!! I really do appreciate it and its given me way more detail on how to read the cards now. Warm regards
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