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"The World" against "6 of Swords"

❤️ What are they thinking? What are their intentions? Is it over? Will they call? Should I text back?
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In this forum you can post readings you have done regarding love and relationship questions.These can be readings you've done for yourself or for someone else (respecting privacy of course)

**please note: this is not a space to request free readings. It is for getting feedback on your work.

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***IMPORTANT: Please do not just post a spread and ask for others to do the reading for you. This space is to get feedback on an actual reading you have completed. Provide as much detail as possible, the question, the deck you used and the positions of the cards, and your FULL INTERPRETATION of it. Please read Protocol for more information.

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"The World" against "6 of Swords"

Post by NovaExPress »

Hello everyone!
I would really appreciate someone else's view of what I've got here, as I feel completely confused.
The question was about a further course of actions in the situation when person A and person B fell out after having a really tenssed conversation. There are two lines: the first one stands for "what should I do?" (The World) - "why should I do that?" (9 of Cups) - "what are the outcomes of doing what I should do?" (Queen of Pentacles) and the second one represents "what I shouldn't do?" (6 of swords) - "why shouldn't I do that?" (Knight of Pentacles) - "what are the outcomes of doing what I shouldn't do?" (3 of swords). The latter is probably the only position which is clear enough to me. But it's "should" /"shouldn't" position that puzzles me. On the one hand, there is The Word, which means - as far as I understand - that the person has to get over the situation and leave it behind. On the other hand, 6 of Swords presumes that leaving is a wrong thing to do. That's why I feel stuck. Definitely, whatever the "should" action is, it will bring a clearly positive result.
Moreover, the issue card is Ace of Cups, but here I may suppose that the problem is basically all about the person's overwhelming desire to give love and be loved in return, even though it contradicts common sense matters. Anyway, the last position is "what you really want to do" and as long as there is The Moon, I would say that the person actually has no idea what they want.
So, as you can see I'm mostly troubled with this "should/shouldn't" collision. Maybe I'm missing the point. I would be more than glad to know what you think.
Thank you!
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Re: "The World" against "6 of Swords"

Post by Galahad »

Hello there!
Interesting, this is, as both (world and 6s - RWS I assume?) can well be read as leaving something behind, the issue might be found in how and what to leave behind.
XXI is/can be a card of honesty, in a plain sense, like beeing sober - the thing to leave behind would then be the infatuation with the issue at hand (water under the bridge), in contrast to the 6s, leaving the entire person/relationship behind.
You kind of said it already here:
NovaExPress wrote: 16 Apr 2022, 22:12 On the one hand, there is The Word, which means - as far as I understand - that the person has to get over the situation and leave it behind. On the other hand, 6 of Swords presumes that leaving is a wrong thing to do.
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Re: "The World" against "6 of Swords"

Post by NovaExPress »

First of all, thank you for your reply! The deck I use is Universal Waite, so keeping in mind what you've said about the way to cope with the issue, I would assume it makes perfect sense now. To tackle that bitter feeling of being disappointed with another person and stop being angry with them rather than break any communication off.
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Re: "The World" against "6 of Swords"

Post by Leah »

Hi, considering the contradiction the world seems unlikely to be advising you to leave the relationship behind, despite being a card of completion, endings and success it's more than likely referring to the end of the current difficult situation and may be advising you to bring it to a close, there is success under the influence of the world. I pulled a clarifier over the world = lovers, which indicates a choice involving a love relationship (how to best resolve the difficulty), also healing coming into the stuation. World with the lovers promises resolution and success in a relationship and the lovers denotes a healthy dynamic so the relationship is sound. In response to your question you framed this card as "action to take", So strive for resolution and completion of the difficult period bringing it to a close in the world, and the lovers indicates the need to make a decision as to how you are going to enable the success of that world card.

6S indicates moving away from the situation and being negative about it as being the wrong thing to do, as for why you shouldn't do that Knight P indicates something we have been working long and hard on (in this case the relationship), which directly opposes walking away. 6S can also indicate carrying negative attitudes and beliefs, feeling negtive, weary, and dispondent but this is uncalled for because from the cards above we know the relationship is not damaged, it's just a minor rift which will soon heal. I pulled a clarifier over the 6S = 6C, which indicates a warm and open heart to heart, along with nostalgia and equal and balanced give and take, reciprocation, openess, harmony and forgiveness. 6C is in many ways the direct opposite to turning away despondently in 6S, here people are sorting through difficulties and opening up to each other in a safe, loving environment so 6C seems to be advising you of the right way to go or is giving you the counterbalance to 6S. The outcome to 6S minus the clarifier was 3S difficult weather for the emotions and a likely split, so I gather you are trying to reconcile with this person.

Ace C primarily deals with the emotions and emotional connections, it rep joy, harmony and contentment and this situation fits that description. All the questions you've asked relate to this key card, it's this Ace C you are trying to restore within you and within the dynamics of the relationship, you didn't state in your address or mention what you were trying to achieve at the outset but clearly your wish in 9C as a result of the world is this ace C.
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Re: "The World" against "6 of Swords"

Post by NovaExPress »

Hello Leah!
Thank you for such a thorough analysis, I really appreciate that. You've pointed it out right about the desirable outcome of the relationship. Also, taking into account all the information above, I may guess that providing there is a certain intention to sort the conflict out in a peaceful way, it will be possible for this relationship to transform into a "Queen of Pentacles" state, both grounded and comforting, as there is the factor of 9 of Cups connection between two people. On the other hand, while I agree with what you say regarding Knigh of Pentacles as the reason "why you shouldn't do that", it dawned upon me that this may represent a "third party" as well. So, basically, being stubborn when it comes to negative feelings is quite likely to encourage another person to embrace relationship with someone represented as Knight of Pentacles, which will definitely result in having one's heart broken.
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