Advice needed in relationship spread

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Advice needed in relationship spread

Post by Flyfly »

Hello, so I did a 6 card spread asking for advice about what would the best response be to a certain woman we will call K approaching me. We had kind of a thing going but because of reasons we fell apart. We haven't talked in weeks. I put the context to help you all in understanding the cards.

As to what the best reaction to her approaching me would be I got The World and The Tower, both upright.
The outcome if I follow this reaction was the 7 of Pentacles.
As to what the worst reaction to her reaching out to me would be I got the Knight of Cups and 9 of swords, both upright.
The outcome if I follow this reaction was the 5 of Pentacles.

I guess the Knight of Cups and 9 of swords advice me to not be overly emotional, to hold my ground. If I let myself get lost in my feelings for her it might end up in misery (5 of pents).
What I'm having trouble interpreting is The World and The Tower ending up in 7 of pents outcome.
Maybe something like not making her my world, changing the ways in which we interacted before (I did put her on a pedestal, maybe that was a mistake).
I used the rider waite deck.

My english is not the best so if you are having trouble understanding anything let me know :D

Edit: Maybe "reaction" is not the best word. It's more like what would the best and worst responses I could give be.

Second Edit: I thought about it and maybe the world invites me to give closure to all the unfinished business, which are a Lot, and both tower and world invite me to Say what I feel of the situation as a whole. So these cards are inviting to be honest with my feelings and the whole and the outcome would be a slow but steady progress, the 7 of pents.
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Re: Advice needed in relationship spread

Post by Leah »

Hi, I guess the "best" response depends on the outcome you wish to create and from the advice of the cards I assume you wish to reconcile with this person as the "best" response is creating "perseverence" within the relationship in 7P, whereas the "worst" response is creating "loss" in 5P. Seeing as you know what you want to create it may of been more insightful to address the tarot with "The best response to create reconciliation", because you don't need to figure out or know how "not" to react, or "how to react to cause an end to the connection", because it's not what you want and it's seemingly a waste of time.

With regard the World and Tower - World in relationship readings can indicate a life partner, it suggests further commitment, it's a card of maturity and the advice may be open towards further commitment. If there were problems around further commitment in the past these are being swept away by the change and disruption the tower is bringing into the reading, those changes apply to the world and the success and finality it brings is welcome but changes are in order to bring about or enable it's influence. The tower also indicates one who enters our life causing disruption but not neccesarily in a negative way as the change towards the world is positive indeed.
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Joined: 09 Apr 2022, 00:28

Re: Advice needed in relationship spread

Post by Flyfly »

Hello Leah.

Yes, as you said, the "best" seems to be what I wanted, but when I asked the question, "best" was for "what is actually better for me" because I was having doubts whether or not, despite having feelings for her, it was actually something good for me. Like, you know, I love her, but that doesn't necessarily means it's good at the end of the day.
By what you say I get that it probably is something good, like, I don't know how to express it.
You know how sometimes we want things that aren't good for us? So, that´s what I'm referring to. I have feelings for her and would love it if we could become closer, but, on the other hand, I didn't know if it was the right thing. Now I guess this clears my doubts.
Thank you so much :D
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Joined: 27 Oct 2021, 20:17

Re: Advice needed in relationship spread

Post by Leah »

Hiya flyfly thanks for your explanation I understand now where you were coming from and even though the question is very vague it still seems to have answered your question in an obscure way.

Perhaps you'd gain the insight you're looking for to enable you to make a decision by stating you want to see an "Overveiw of the development of the relationship" in the case that you persued it as outlined in your first question and use that as a baseline to build your readings upon. This would hopefully give you an idea of the potential of the union up ahead but if not ask to see the "Future relationship potential".

Because of your intention of what "best" meant when you set the question it does indeed bring the second question into play, as the outcome indicates a loss this is telling you that if you acted in a way so you lost this person it would create a "nightmare regarding loosing the lover," 5P also indicates a change of circumstances for the worse so we can gather this path is the wrong way to go. 9S is the nightmare card, knight C is the lover and 5P loss.
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