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Rachel’s DoW 21 Rose Tarot by Nigel Jackson

Posted: 24 May 2021, 12:01
by Rachelcat

As mentioned in the deck stork thread, this is a different deck than the Nigel Jackson Tarot. This deck is batons=fire, swords=air, so it’s easier for me to work with than the other. I’m still that much GD!

The biggest draw for me is the artwork. It’s quirky but enjoyable. It has what I call “vignette” style minors, that is, there are the requisite number of suit signs in the background with a smaller illustration set over them. In this deck the vignettes are an almond (mandorla) shape. The court cards, not including the knights, are named as in the Paris pattern (also called portrait officiel) of playing cards. See ... is_pattern.

It’s an interesting deck because, while it doesn’t have an overarching system, it IS very esoteric. It includes symbols and imagery from alchemy, cabala, biblical mysticism, courtly love, rosicrucianism, martinism, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, William Blake, and others. (I encountered many of these in the historical study, Solomon’s Secret Arts: The Occult in the Age of Enlightenment by Paul Kleber Monod, 2013.)

I feel like the guidebook could be more user-friendly, with fewer invented words, less convoluted sentences, and more direct references. Especially the last. Since the deck concept is a conglomeration of many different esoteric ideas, it would be helpful to point out more specifically where the ideas come from. One thing that bugs me in any esoteric writings is treating biblical references as mysterious and unknowable. The primary source in translation (with myriad translations to choose from!) is as close as my bookshelf or computer! There’s no need to keep your readers in the dark about your references to the woman clothed in the sun, the lamb that was slain, or Melchizedek. I also have some gender issues with the book, but obviously they come from the sources the author is following, and all Western civilization, really. How come NO male person, god, or allegorical figure is called “virgin,” even the ones that are? Because sexual status is not the most important characteristic of males, but it is for females. I find the author thoughtlessly repeating “the virgin Whoever” over and over is a little tone deaf to modern tarotists.

Ok, rants over! I just want to say that I am in awe (and not-so-secretly jealous) of tarot scholar-artists. It’s just not fair that people can be SO knowledgeable and SUCH great artists at the same time! But it IS very lucky for all of us regular tarotists!

Time for a good shuffle and the interview!


Most important characteristic: Ace of Swords
The ideas are the most important part of the deck. It’s a new, fresh idea. And something to work on (bees). The victory of ideas over imagery. I wonder if there are bees because of their sting, like Frodo’s sword Sting. They can cause pain, but the sweetness is worth the risk. See, the deck is talking to me very plainly already!

Strength: The World
The deck’s strength is that it has a little bit of everything! And it’s a complete thing of its kind. It has its own organization and regularity (the new Jerusalem), but it’s also full of life (the anima mundi, the lamb, and the four creatures) and prediction of the world ahead (the book of the seven seals). Read all about it in the book of Revelation!

Weakness: 2 of Swords
Anytime there’s 2, there’s the sun and the moon. Which doesn’t convey much information other than 2ness, and probably gender. This is like the Ace. The complete emphasis on ideas over everything, combining and dividing them, can be a weakness for someone trying to be more intuitive.

What can I learn? Ace of Cups
I will learn to love the deck! And the suggestiveness of all the symbols. They are a spur to intuition and flow.

How do I learn it? 8 of Batons
Quickly! This card is an example of overt RWS concepts in the deck, which is helpful because familiar, I’m thinking maybe something else would have been more interesting. Although they are cute bunnies. My keyword for the card is plan of action, so I can learn to love the deck by planning to use it. Which I’m doing!

Outcome of our work together: 6 of Cups
Which will have a very good outcome! Instead of a virgin here (!), we have a wildwoman of the woods who has tamed the unicorn. Because it knows she is of nature just like it is. Nature provides food and water and beauty for both animals and humans. We would do well to share our joy in that among and between us all. I will indeed learn to love the deck and will want to use it to help others and as a way to connect with nature.

Wow, lots of symbols and imagery to work with. And I did! And such a positive reading, too! I look forward to using it more.

Oh, a scheduling note: I’ll be away from home and computer over the holiday weekend, Thursday through Monday. I’ll try to do some readings ahead of Thursday, and then catch up on the end of the week and the beginning of next week on Tuesday. So stay tuned. I’m not giving up on deck of the week. (Not yet. We’ll see what happens when it’s back to the office time. . . ) See you tomorrow with more Rose Tarot!

Re: Rachel’s DoW 21 Rose Tarot by Nigel Jackson

Posted: 24 May 2021, 13:25
by Rachelcat
I’m interested in the interesting courts, so I think I’ll do a why the who is in the what.


Holy repeating cards, Batman! Ace of Swords and the World from yesterday. And all earth except the sword.

Ace of Swords, 10 of Coins, King of Coins Julius Caesar, The World
At work, I’ll be in charge of getting things done in a good-looking, deliverable form. Which will be for the best for everyone. We all will make money, be successful, and look good to the world.

Ace of Swords is my work because I’m a “knowledge worker,” and those bees . . ..

Julius Caesar was emperor of the entire known world, so it makes sense that he’s king of coins. He didn’t just wield power, he administered a successful empire.

Not sure why there are eight-pointed stars growing on a tree, but I like the cornucopia.

On the World, the anima mundi joins heaven and earth. Personal notes: The family name of my paternal grandmother is Easterday, so we had this symbol of the lamb in a fake coat of arms on our wall when I was growing up. Also, I’m mostly only familiar with verses of Revelation by singing Handel’s Messiah, not biblical study, so take any of my theological insights with a grain of salt!

Have a lovely day, my dear fellow tarotists!

Re: Rachel’s DoW 21 Rose Tarot by Nigel Jackson

Posted: 25 May 2021, 23:06
by Rachelcat
Quick evening reading! Anything I need to know?


Me: The World
That’s three Worlds in three readings! Maybe it’s saying my request is too general? But I know what this really means. I saw almost all my coworkers today for the first time in over a year, and 5 of them said they’re very glad I didn’t take the retirement package. So I know they really need me and I’m basically successful in my work overall. And I need to remember that!

Issue: 4 of Swords
I need to rest and relax to get ready for my trip on Thursday.

Outcome: The Chariot
And then I’ll be ready for my trip! It will be successful and things will get done and it will be enjoyable.

Advice: The Moon
This is one of those ominous moon cards. It even says the “lower door.” Mystery and depths here. But what is that for advice? Pay attention to the undercurrents, not just the surface of things. Trust my instincts, too. Let the dogs howl.

That’s it! I really have to start getting ready for my trip! Have a wonderful evening!

Re: Rachel’s DoW 21 Rose Tarot by Nigel Jackson

Posted: 26 May 2021, 13:39
by Rachelcat
Full moon in Sagittarius, Flower Moon. It’s also a lunar eclipse and a super moon, so I’ll be doing those spreads today to make up for some of the days I’ll be out this week. But first:

Flower Moon, Bloom


My deepest desire: 7 of Coins
Contentment and physical comfort. I can get with that!

My feminine essence: 5 of Cups
If I’m feminine in any way, it’s in my emotionality. I’m a Cancer sun, after all. I know the ups and downs and quick changes of emotions that we all go through, and I accept them and don’t hide them.

How can she bloom? Knave of Coins, Hector
I can and should avoid emotional extremes by being more grounded. This combination of cups and coins reflects the center card of desire for comfort (7=Venus + earth). Hector is the hero of Troy, who was finally defeated and killed by the Greek Achilles. I guess that words for Knave of Coins because he was the prince and he tried to defend his home.

My masculine essence: 2 of Swords
Very true. My masculine essence is my reading, knowledge, learning focus. I love to learn and to work on and understand things in my own way. Analysis and synthesis. I’m definitely not good at making decisions, although I think once I make them, I stick with them because I trust myself.

How can he bloom? 4 of Cups
Similar advice as the feminine cards: Calm the stormy seas of emotions with mediation or other methods. That will allow my swordsy side to serve me better. This is a dolorous knight. He was jilted by la belle dame sans merci. But as he rests by the flowing stream, it may come to him that he’s better off without her drama.

Sacred union of essences brings desire to fruition: The Fool
I can bring emotion and thought together to attain contentment. But it will take some going out of my comfort zone, for a while at least. It will take an active quest, not sitting with my eyes closed by a stream, as in TWO of the cards in this reading! According to the author, this is Christian Rosencrantz at the beginning his spiritual quest for enlightenment. The card shows that I’m not at the union yet, but just beginning!

Interesting reading, and not at all what I expected. And something to think about and work on. More readings shortly!

Re: Rachel’s DoW 21 Rose Tarot by Nigel Jackson

Posted: 26 May 2021, 19:49
by Rachelcat
Thursday on Wednesday
Lunar Eclipse, Sovereignty


Earth, my current view of myself: 8 of Coins
I’m a careful planner when it comes to practical, maybe small, things. He’s weighing things and taking notes, very scientific.

Moon, wisdom of my queen self: Strength
I like the flamey tail of the lion, but what is she doing to its eye? And where did the wings come from? Anyway, my wisdom is that I’m strong. And I don’t have to be all oppositional to be strong. Inner strength is quiet and hidden.

Sun, how can I shine my light? Knave of Batons, Lancelot
But that doesn’t mean one can’t be fiery if need be! Lancelot was famous for being the best knight. He shined his light far and wide. But that might have been pride going before a fall because when he fell, he fell hard, with dire consequences, and everybody knew about that, too. So I should be proud of my light and accomplishments, but not so sure I can do no wrong!

Healing my insecurities: 7 of Coins
7 and 8 side by side. Sticking with what I had for this card in the previous reading, to heal my insecurities, I just need to rest and feel contentment and gratitude. Easy peasy!

My intuitive wisdom: The Star
And that’s my intuitive wisdom, really. I KNOW for sure I am blessed and I have everything I need and life is good. Some things might have been ugly in the past, but that’s past. And if things get ugly again, I know that there is always much more beauty and sweetness than ugliness in the world and in a life at any one time, if we just look for it.

Sounds good to me! I might do one more reading today to catch up to the future. See you then!

Re: Rachel’s DoW 21 Rose Tarot by Nigel Jackson

Posted: 26 May 2021, 20:57
by Rachelcat
Friday on Wednesday
Super Moon, Wild Card


My wild self: King of Batons, Alexander
If I let myself go wild, I could be a leader and even a conqueror! Alexander wept when he found out he had no more worlds to conquer. I hope I don’t go to that wild extreme!

Message from the earth/physical realm: Temperance
This is telling me to stay true to my eating plan over the weekend. It should be a little give and take, not don’t eat anything OR a free for all. I love this card. Very dual of course. I think I’m finally getting the intuitive meaning of roses and lilies. That’s another biblical reference by the way. In the Song of Solomon, the beloved woman says “I am the rose of Sharon; I am the lily of the valley.” Two kinds of beauty: passion and purity, and they’re even better combined!

Message from the water/emotional realm: Judgement
That’s a heavy card for this position. Rising above, in emotional matters as well as anything else, is always possible. Look for that opportunity. This card has a white and a red rose, instead of a rose and a lily. My son’s wedding might be an opportunity to let my emotional cords of my own failed marriage to be loosened or even cut. I’m for that!

Message from the air/mental realm: 7 of Batons
I won’t back down and I’ll enjoy an intellectual fight. Hercules killed the hydra even though every time he cut off one head, two grew in its place. I should keep fighting the good fight even if it seems like there are just way too many willfully ignorant people out there!

Message from the fire/energetic realm: 10 of Swords
And it may seem overwhelming, and that it will take too much energy to overcome everybody taking such extreme positions on everything. And then never listening to anyone who says anything different. It really seems like politics in this country has become a wasteland. Here the satyr isn’t celebrating nature; he’s moving in where civilization has failed. According to the author, this is another biblical reference, from Isaiah. I gotta give him credit here for a full quotation and exact reference! Isaiah 34:13-14.

Message from the spirit realm: The High Priestess
Well that seems quite appropriate! Even if what’s written in the book isn’t quite reflective of reality, there is a true spirituality and spirit. And it’s cosmic, much greater than our regular minds can comprehend, like the sun, moon, and the stars. And intrinsically pure, like the white roses and lilies. I’m glad the priestess came to visit me this afternoon!

Well, that’s it for now! I might have time for another reading in the morning before I go. Have a beautiful evening and a great weekend ahead!

Re: Rachel’s DoW 21 Rose Tarot by Nigel Jackson

Posted: 27 May 2021, 12:31
by Rachelcat
Saturday on Thursday
The trip, of course!


Wow, all batons with one coins. So it will be busy and active! Also three out of five all cards I’ve had before.

Physically: King of Batons, Alexander
I can be in charge of my health. I don’t have to stop trying because of different circumstances. That’s part of learning to stay healthy.

Emotionally: 7 of Batons
I will enjoy all the bustling and any difficulties that come up. Or there might be emotional stuff come up, but it will be for the good.

Intellectually: King of Coins, Julius Caesar
We’ll be large and in charge of understanding the logistics. No problems there.

Energetically: 5 of Batons
Some of that energy will be oppositional or confrontational.

Spiritually: Queen of Batons, Argine
Argine is not a person of legend, she is simply a queen, an anagram of Regina. (So says Wikipedia.) I will be able to tame and take in all this activity and energy and incorporate it into something helpful, hopefully a closer relationship with my dil to be and her mom.

Ok, I’ll just take this reading as an indication that my weekend won’t be boring! See you on the other side! Have a great weekend!