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Rachel’s DoW 13 Chakra Arcana Tarot by Carol Herzer

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Rachel’s DoW 13 Chakra Arcana Tarot by Carol Herzer

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These are tarot majors based on RWS with some name changes. Each major has two chakras assigned to it, and illustrated on it, according to an organized plan. I made a table. (Of course.) 0 is renamed “The Flying Man” and has all 7 chakras. The deck also includes a card for each chakra.


The deck is obviously a labor of love, slippery handmade cards and a lovely pink pouch with the Fool card glued on. I’m pretty sure I got these used from someone on Aeclectic. I don’t know if they’re still available from the creator, but here’s the site ... rcana.html.


I made up a spread to use with reversals, but first, the short interview with reversals. And later today, a full moon reading.


Deck’s strength: 4. The Emperor reversed (Heart and Root)
This is so spot on! It’s very traditional, RWS majors, but so subversive with the additions of the chakras. That’s the strength and the raison d’etre of the deck, very literal.

With the reversal, the root chakra is above the heart. The physical manifestation, the art, is even more powerful than the intent of the creator. The emperor is seated in the physical while the heart chakra blooms above him. He’s just at the beginning (Aries, I’ve fixated on the sheep skulls for some reason) and can go much further in his connection with others.

Deck’s weakness: 7. The Will (Chariot) (Root and Throat)
The creator’s intent and effort to communicate her idea has somewhat overshadowed the final form of the art. Here the charioteer is in the upper chakra, ruling it over the root chakra. Which is in place of the horses, the physical aspects that the mind is controlling. Oh, that makes way too much sense!

What can I learn from the deck? 16. The Tower (Root and Crown)
Ok, I’m not a big fan of the Tower showing up more regularly in my readings . . . But I guess that’s what I need to learn about! The fact that this card is the one with root and crown makes it even more powerful than all that fiery Mars energy. Hopefully, the deck can teach me that a big shock, even a life-changing one, is not always bad, but it is life-changing!

Outcome of our work together: 9. The Hermit reversed (Throat and Power)
I’ll learn that I’m not alone in trying to learn and figure things out. Tarot can really help me with that. I did some really helpful readings for myself yesterday. Now to take my own/the cards’ advice! But the reversed chakras are saying I need to concentrate more on acting and less on understanding or explaining myself (to myself) right now. More on what I should be doing. I do think this deck is going to help with that! It’s really giving me a different way of looking at things already. Including reversals.

Be back later for full moon reading.
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 13 Chakra Arcana Tarot by Carol Herzer

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Full moon in Libra, Seed Moon, New Growth, with reversals


The seed I have planted: 16. Tower reversed (Crown, Root)
I’m going to go with what I said in the interview: I have planted a seed of something life-changing, but probably for the good. A spiritual inspiration (crown) will lead to a physical result (root).

What is taking root? 15. Illusion (Devil) (Throat, Eye)
Well, that’s not good. I can handle the devil in small doses, but I don’t want him to take root! And I don’t want illusion to take root either! Maybe the point is evil is caused by delusion. Evil is not an illusion in itself, but many bad things are caused by intentional lies and self-deception. Maybe by talking and learning about it (throat), I’ll be able to see (eye) what’s evil for what it is. The devil’s face is I the eye, and he has two huge horns like insect antennae. Yeah, see evil for what it is and what it’s not.

What is the breakthrough I need to grow? 8. Justice reversed (Throat, Sex)
And this seems to go along with that. The breakthrough is to realize, and to point out (throat) that things just aren’t fair. A lot less fair than people think. And that will lead to a desire (sex) to turn things right. Justice is seated squarely in the throat. I need to speak about and to her.

Well, I obviously need some practice with reading reversals, but the chakras are helping! I hope you all have a good week ahead!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 13 Chakra Arcana Tarot by Carol Herzer

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Time to try my homemade spread for this deck. I might regret it, but I’m going to do a health reading. I am very well, feel great, and only have 5 pounds to lose. So I hope the reading agrees that all is well!


Me: 6. The Lovers reversed
Does every major card mean balance? (Lovers, Strength, Justice, Temperance, World, etc., and then the 2s.) Because the only thing I can think of for Lovers reversed is that I’m not looking at my health in a balanced way, I’m in all or nothing mode. I’m either all well or all sick, all eating right or all indulgent. And now I’m all about eating and not much about exercising. The heart chakra looms large, but the angel is not in the center. I guess it’s mediating it to the man and woman. My heart isn’t in it? That’s not true, I’m definitely all about health right now . . . Will power is taking precedence over caring for myself (heart).

Issue: 16. The Tower
I told you I’d regret it! Maybe the issue is I’m worried about some health catastrophe. The first and last chakras mean health is a continuum, not all one way or the other.

Outcome: 2. The High Priestess
I will be able to trust my instincts and intuition about my health. And not worry so much. In this case, I think it would be wise to take my health for granted. By staying grounded (root), I will show my power to be healthy.

Advice: 19. The Sun
Stay optimistic and positive, that’s what I need to do. Don’t worry, be happy. Here, the crown and the heart overlap, which seems very auspicious. If I follow a spiritual and a loving path, all will be well.


Bottom chakras: Heart, Root, Root, Heart
Things I need to work on are being grounded in reality and caring. Obviously, the root is important for health. I might not be fully understanding what’s real. And, as I said in the Lovers, I need to be more loving and caring for my health, instead of pushing myself around to get the results I want.

Top chakras: Power, Crown, Power, Crown
What I’ve got going on are the will power and a higher understanding of what it all means. I know that taking care of yourself has a spiritual dimension. And I’ve always felt that my body is a gift, from god or nature or fate or whatever; therefore why mess it up for no reason? It’s a sacred trust that we then have free will to improve or destroy. And I do have will power. The problem is it’s like a switch, it’s either on or off. Right now it’s on. I hope I can keep it on for a good while, under reasonable control.

Well, that was interesting! I’m really getting into the chakra thing! Have a beautiful Monday!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 13 Chakra Arcana Tarot by Carol Herzer

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What about a tarot study project I’m thinking about? All-Purpose spread.


Me: 10. Fortune reversed
This is just a random thought that recently came up. I’m not very tied to it, but I think it could be cool. Heart over throat, and the wheel itself is in the center of the heart. I’m interested in learning about it, and then sharing the info. Probably better than trying to do both at the same time.

Project: 2. The High Priestess
The study has the potential to be quite informative and inspiring. Power and root, priestess is in the root and power is overhead. The study will help with intuition, but beware of the unintentional appearance of a power play over others.

Outcome: 3. The Empress reversed
But it might come off as I’m trying to be some big authority, instead of wanting to just share what I’ve learned. Overbearing and over-guiding/controlling. Sex over power. Empress sits in sex with power overhead. Same power as above. I will be attracted to trying to act like an authority?

Advice: 21. The Universe reversed
Don’t try to do too much or get in the last work on the subject. It can be done but in a more humble way than I’m thinking of it now. Eye over crown. Figure stands in the eye with her head in the crown. Definitely get a better understanding before trying to act like a spiritual authority.

Wow, that was unexpected! Good advice nonetheless. I hope you’re having a lovely Tuesday so far! See you tomorrow!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 13 Chakra Arcana Tarot by Carol Herzer

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What do I do about the tarot society presentation for May?


Advice: 14. Temperance
Funny because I’m thinking of presenting on the cardinal virtues. I think Temperance is one of the most difficult cards for people to understand. I have an intellectual understanding, but whenever it comes up, I have to sort through that. After all this time, it’s still not intuitive for me. The advice is to keep it light but also academic, so that people who want to dig deeper can, but it will give some quick helpful tips for the more intuitive readers.

Temperance stands in the heart center with her head in the eye. One of the things Temperance is about is combining the heart and the head. That is good advice here.

Outcome: 3. The Empress reversed
Same outcome as yesterday because it’s almost the same question, about teaching or presenting on the virtues. If I do the presentation, it will be ok, but people will be getting tired of me presenting. But if they are, why don’t they volunteer to present themselves!! It won’t be comfortable or fruitful for some.

Even though I want to include lots of pictures and art. The Empress’s power is in her attractiveness (sex appeal). She presents herself as something desirable, but the power looms large behind her. In this case, appearance is more important than substance. It will be too academically dry.

Well, I’m getting shot down all over the place! I really do need to work on my reversals, and my majors. Have a great day!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 13 Chakra Arcana Tarot by Carol Herzer

Post by Rachelcat »


Card of the day! Because I can’t think of a question.


18. The Moon
Today I will be dreamy. I will be creative and open. That might take me down some rabbit holes, but that will be ok. The moon face is centered in the crown chakra. Illusion and inspiration both come from a higher place. It’s how we receive it and use it (power chakra = ego?) that determines if it’s good or bad or neutral for us individually. She definitely looks benign, but her eyes are closed. She’s focusing on the vision, not on who she’s giving it to. Dream at your own risk!

Have a happy Thursday!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 13 Chakra Arcana Tarot by Carol Herzer

Post by Rachelcat »


What do I need to know about retirement? Wirth’s Courtroom Spread with reversals


Against: 20. Awakening
My wakeup call is coming a bit too late. I’m late in getting to the planning stages.
I’m most struck that the summoning angel is in the lower part of the card, not the crown. Oh, the lower chakra is the throat, so that make sense. The angel is making a communicating noise, calling people to communion with spirit, the crown.

For: 13. Transformation reversed
I won’t die soon after I retire. I’ll have time to enjoy it and work it out.
Power over eye. The death figure and his pale horse aren’t in either chakra, but below them (or above when reversed). Death is everywhere and it comes for all of us. That’s its power. But many of us don’t use that knowledge to understand how that can make a difference in our lives for the better.

Advice: 5. The Initiate reversed
I’ll also have time to explore all those religion questions I’m always full of. But I shouldn’t trust any one religion or authority.
Sex over heart. Interesting! Desire for connection is often the impetus toward religion. Or desire for supernatural assistance to have a better life. But it’s really about giving and universal love. Just be aware of why you’re interested and what your real goals are. And the goals of any authorities you put your trust in. the priest is in the sex chakra and can only point above to the heart.

Sentence/Outcome: 7. The Will
I will move forward with it and will be able to make it all work, but it will take effort and willpower.
Throat over root. You need your will to survive, but you also need it to express yourself. The charioteer does both.

Summary/What else I need to know: 9. The Hermit
I will be able to experience the wisdom and positive aspects of age and solitude.
Throat again, this time over power. The hermit stands in power, and his head is in throat. His power is that he is an example to communicate what’s really important in this life. He doesn’t preach, he preaches by doing and living his best life.

Interesting! The chakras are so informative about the nature of the cards. And all that from a systematic numbering system . . . . Tarot is always doing something to surprise us!

Have a great Friday, everyone!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 13 Chakra Arcana Tarot by Carol Herzer

Post by Rachelcat »

Saturday on Friday

I’m going to a family get-together tomorrow, so I think I’ll finish off this deck today. I’m going to use the pyramid chain spread. Because I can. And because 1+2+3+4+5+6=21. They’re the only reasons I need! With reversals.

But I probably have to have a subject for this to work. What’s going to happen with the virus and quarantine? Is it all going to be over soon? Or will things go haywire and make things continue to be, uh, different?



Wow, I got 11 cards:
18. The Moon, 13. Transformation, 20. Awakening reversed, 19. The Sun, 2. The High Priestess, 14. Temperance, 3. The Empress, 21. The Universe, 9. The Hermit reversed, 8. Justice reversed, 0. The Flying Man reversed

Most people are living on impressions and perceptions (Moon). But the Death toll is real. This unfortunately hasn’t led to any marked understanding or higher calling yet (Awakening reversed). But it still could, especially regarding more interest and care about health and wellbeing for everyone (Sun, Priestess, Temperance, Empress, Universe). Priestess is the helper to Awakening, saying higher understanding could still happen if we listen to our intuition. The wisdom of solitude is eluding us, and we really just don’t want to be alone anymore (Hermit). The quarantine has pointed out so many places of inJustice in our society. And we’re still just winging it and hoping for the best (Flying Man/Fool).

Not sure if this answers my question. I guess things will happen when they happen. The important thing to know is that things will never go back to the way they were. A year of fear, difference, and change will have its effect on everyone!

I hope everyone has a very happy weekend!
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