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What are the kings, queens, knights telling us?

Discussions about individual cards, their symbolism & meanings. How the cards combine and speak to us in spreads is another thing altogether! Here we learn about both.
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What are the kings, queens, knights telling us?

Post by Kittykat »

Hi all,

If I get a king for example, what’s the actual message? A person like this is coming into your life? Effecting you’re life? Leaving you? I can’t figure it out.

Thank you
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Re: What are the kings, queens, knights telling us?

Post by Libra »

My first inclination is never to assume that the cards are talking about something external, but that's based on my style of therapeutically-inclined reading. A Court will show me an aspect of myself, that's either present or is seeking to come forward more.

Pages are curiosity within their suit. Knights are asking me to just dive in whole-heartedly. Queens ask me how I can embody the energy of the suit in a way that is full of love - towards myself and to others, but in an intimate sense. The Kings are kinda asking me to step into the power of your suit the way a Queen does too, but to take it more public. It's for the greater good, instead of the personal.

That's all of course just based on my style of reading. If I'm using a set spread and I pull a court in a position that is something like "External Influences" of course I'm likely to read that as someone else - I'm not external to myself. If it's in the Past position, it might be an energy within myself that I'm stepping away from, it might be someone else. I just go with what makes sense, and keep open to the idea that deeper understanding might come through later, if I'm struggling to see which it is (though if it's not overtly obviously someone else, I assume it's within me)
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Re: What are the kings, queens, knights telling us?

Post by Tag Jorrit »

Excellent, Libra. There's also Tom Benjamin's videos and one that addresses Court cards similarly! Go watch it here. He's really good.
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Re: What are the kings, queens, knights telling us?

Post by Nemia »

Depending on the spread, position, question (and also image on the specific deck) of the court card, I interpret it as either an aspect of myself or another person. I decide that intuitively, and sometimes, I interpret it as both (like in a permutation).

I see the pages as innocent learners. When I learn something new, then I'm a page, no matter how old I am. When I'm new in a group, I'm a page. Where I feel insecure, curious, ignorant, I'm a page.

Pages in my life are my (young adult) children, my students, young people or people who know less than me.

Knights have passed this first stage of learning, but haven't yet established themselves. They're like the journeymen of old, trying what they have learned in different settings. They're youngish, restless, and sometimes, they're the people who know just enough to feel they know it all. (Once they've learned more, they discover that each of us knows only so much, and that's why the Knights are the most boastful and false-self-confident stage of development). They love fighting for good causes, and they're as much able to act selflessly as to behave in a very selfish manner.

Knights in my life are younger colleagues, my elder children, my (much younger) siblings - people in transitory stages who are about to settle down and establish themselves.

Queens are settled and established in life but without the need to rule over others. They enjoy quiet mastership of their realm, act behind the scenes, nurture projects, ideas and people, and there is an atmosphere of quiet, privacy and calm around them. They're the readers, mothers/fathers, the competent people who don't need to show how good they are. Sometimes, they can be manipulative because they hesitate to show their authority and power.

Queens in my life are my mother, I'm myself a queen, my friends are. I know some men who are queens but mostly, it's women who have these traits.

Kings - I know definitely more female kings than male queens, don't know why! Kings are not only masters of their trade but also like to show it. They use their authority open, protect and judge, and they're to be found in public places where they lead, teach and get acclaim.

The Kings in my life are my older colleagues, the professors where I studied, and my husband is a king, too.

The suits give me a hint about the realm, abilities and characteristics of these personalities. When a Page of Cups appears in a reading about my family, I know it's my youngest daughter, she's a textbook Page of Cups. But when I read about a new friendship, the Page of Cups can mean that stage in our friendship - the stage of idealizing, innocent expectation of a wonderful future.

After years of struggling with court cards and reading everything I could find about them, this is now how I see them. I struggled especially with the inherent gender bias of the old court but now have replaced that with a more inclusive view.

Knights and Kings tend to have more extrovert traits, are active and mobile. Pages and Queens tend to be more introvert, are more passive and observers than movers. Knights and Kings change and rule, Pages and Queens discover and detect.

When court cards appear in my readings, I always take special time for them.

Tom Benjamin's idea of reading cards as subject, verb and adjectives in a sentence is great - court cards are nearly always the subject for me.
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