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What do you interpret and how would your spread be

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What do you interpret and how would your spread be

Post by Newbie405858282 »

For most readings, I do a 5 card spread. The 1st card usually represents the yes or no answer or description of the person while the other cards are more like explanations answer.
So for "is me ex dating/seeing anyone"? I got 8 swords, reversed magician, lovers, Stars reversed, 7 cups. In this case, I feel like it's saying "no, hes not seeing anyone" although he may be acting like he is (because of reversed magician) or flirting because of hopelessness or loneliness (star reversed) and he has options or flirting w multiple ppl or maybe just daydreaming about it (7 cups)

First, How would you interpret this from the cards I drew?
Secondly, Would there be a better spread for this?

Ive tried 1 card and I feel like it doesn't explain so I draw more to explain answers....I dunno. I feel like love reading are popular so I want to get stronger in interpreting. I appreciate your feedback/thoughts.
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Charlie Brown
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Re: What do you interpret and how would your spread be

Post by Charlie Brown »

I think that there's a bit of a disconnect in what you want to know and how you're doing it.

"Is my ex seeing someone" is a yes-or-no question, so there's no room for "explanation." The cards can only answer what you specifically ask. Otherwise, you're just projecting your own preconceptions onto them. Most people will tell you that yes/no questions don't work so great with tarot. My position is that they work ok, but you need to have a special yes/no technique. Although, In my own practice, I only ever do yes/no with Lenormand cards.

It's tricky to interpret/re-interpret this kind of spread (since I think it's technically deficient), but I'd say that the cards look like he's just not interested right now. Reversed 7 of cups suggests to me that there isn't much that he wants at the moment.
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Re: What do you interpret and how would your spread be

Post by Ciderwell »

"Newbie40" :lol:

Now there's a blast from the past ... thanks for that.

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Re: What do you interpret and how would your spread be

Post by JudyK »

My view differs from Charlie Brown's in that I think you do have a technique -
The 1st card usually represents the yes or no answer or description of the person while the other cards are more like explanations answer.
This is similar to how I would handle an essentially yes/no question. And it's reminiscent of Ferol Humphrey's "5-Card Spiritual Commentary", where card 1 is the short answer (in this case the yes or no), cards 2,3 ane 4 the long answer, and card 5 the "kicker" or spiritual commentary.

5-Card Spiritual Commentary.png

But as usual, I'll refrain from reinterpreting. Your cards respond to your energy and use your vocabulary.
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Re: What do you interpret and how would your spread be

Post by Newbie405858282 »

Thank you because after reading Charlie Browns response, even when I try to rephrase what they ask, I can't think of any other way to ask "is he seeing someone else/is there a 3rd party/is she cheating" etc. Because those are all yes/no questions. If I ask how they feel, that would be irrelevant because the POI could love multiple ppl.

Woohoo! Thank you for confirming the technique. I've tried other ways but nothing else seemed to work so I figured out that was what the tarot was telling me....but also, it kindve seemed to contradict itself unless Im reading it wrong, which was the reason why I included the tarots that I pulled to help me understand how others would interpret it to make sure Ive been reading it right. It's like, 1st card=no BUT 2nd card is Im confused
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Re: What do you interpret and how would your spread be

Post by JudyK »

Newbie405858282 wrote: 09 Oct 2021, 12:08 ... it kindve seemed to contradict itself unless Im reading it wrong, which was the reason why I included the tarots that I pulled to help me understand how others would interpret it to make sure Ive been reading it right.
Okay, just as an example of how it could be interpreted. 😉 My gut reaction is that he's not seeing anyone. But not for lack of trying - he just hasn't had any luck in that department.
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Re: What do you interpret and how would your spread be

Post by Newbie405858282 »

Oooh, ok, that makes much more sense. Ill have to keep practicing on interpretations on how to read cards 2-5. Thank you! :D
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Charlie Brown
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Re: What do you interpret and how would your spread be

Post by Charlie Brown »

The kinds of questions you could phrase are like: what is his love life like right now, what are his feelings about our relationship. What actions is he taking to find romance, etc.

You always could have asked if you were confused. Judy’s a quality reader but it seems like you’re just responding to what you want to hear and, there’s a world of difference between following something like Judy’s spread and winging it.
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