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Rachel’s DoW 47 Vandenborre Tarot

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Rachel’s DoW 47 Vandenborre Tarot

Post by Rachelcat »

Happy to get back to tarot this week, albeit an idiosyncratic one! I’ll be using the Vandenborre Flemish Tarot c. 1780 reproduction from The Cartomancer, ... rot-c-1780

In place of a Popess as major II, we have “Le Spagnol Capitano Fracasse,” a bragging soldier, and in place of a Pope as major V, we have “Bacus,” naked, straddling a wine barrel, and having a swig of wine from one of those straw-covered wine bottles. (I just googled, and it’s called a “fiasco”!, plural fiaschi.) Le Pen=Du is right side up with very long fingers showing from behind his shoulders. The swords are very curved, but seem to have distinguishable hilts and points, so I think I can work with them. I’m just going to wing it if the Captain or Bacchus and his fiasco show up in a reading!

Let’s start with a good shuffle, then an interview, then a new moon reading.


Most important characteristic: X Batons
It’s a strong deck. It puts everything on the table and so is easy to read. It can take a lot of energy to work with, but it will be worth it.

Strength: 8 Deniers
It is a good deck for thinking through practical considerations.

Weakness: Chevalier des Deniers
But the reader has to work for it. Good for practical considerations but not necessarily work questions.

What it can teach me: L’Ermite
The deck will bring me back to a more academic study of tarot. And perhaps a more spiritual one.

How can I learn it: Valet des Deniers
Be a student. Be humble and willing to learn from anyone. Also concentrate on those practical considerations, and the physical evidence in front of me.

Outcome of our work together: XVIII. La Lune
Here’s an older woman spinning wool to symbolize the “distaff,” feminine meaning of the moon. I’ll have a better understanding of esoteric meanings and ideas. They might be all illusion and made up, but I’ll learn them and like them!

New moon in Scorpio, Blood Moon


Recent past event: 8 Epees
I’m still thinking about revealing the secret to my ex thing. And he immediately over-thought it and didn’t get the most important point. And tried to change what happened by trying to change my understanding of it. Not happening.

What needs to be released? XVIII. La Lune
Ok, I need to let go of the darkness and confusion surrounding this. It happened so long ago and now it’s told. It doesn’t matter if he understands. It just matters that I expressed it.

How is karma being completed? 9 Batons
This is the “little justice card.” The truth did need to be out there, for both of our sakes. I’ve completed the karma of the whole situation. About time.

What do I need to do to fully surrender? 8 Batons
Let it go and plan to do things differently in the future.

The transformation taking place for the highest good of all: XI. La Force
It’s counter-intuitive, but it takes strength to let go of the weaknesses of the past. And to let go of a victim mentality. There were painful things that caused me to do what I did, but I did it, no one purposefully made me. I need to accept responsibility and know that I’m much stronger now. I would never make a mistake like that again! And that is for the good of all because I’m no longer blaming other people for my misunderstanding and stupidity.

I really hope this reading is the last of this 20 year old mess hanging around in my mind! Good to have a “death card” spread at this time hopefully to make that happen!

See you tomorrow with a super moon wild card spread! Have a happy Sunday!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 47 Vandenborre Tarot

Post by Rachelcat »

Super Moon Wild Card spread


My wild self: 3 Epees
This is a very pretty swords card! And they look like real swords, except for the center triangles on the curved swords and the odd coloring (one is all red and the other is half red and half yellow). And the crown just emphasizes the mind and thoughts of the swords suit. I feel most free and myself when I’m learning or teaching or working something out in my mind. The sky’s the limit. I can think just about anything and then decide to make it real or not.

Physically: 6 Coupes
But I also have a strong physical side. I’m happy when I’m physically comfortable and can share physical things, money to charity or food with friends, etc.

Emotionally: 7 Batons
I have emotional boundaries and sometimes I defend them too well.

Intellectually: II. Le Spagnol Captiano Eracasse
Here he is! I see that sword and think about bragging, and I’m pretty much reading him like a Knight of Swords, and in an airy position (air x 3), I’m reading this like the 8 of Swords, too much intellect, over-thinking, thinking instead of caring, etc. Even though I think my love of learning is pretty pure, I do need to beware of being pedantic or proud that I’m smarter or more educated than you. Humility and learning should go hand in hand.

Energetically: Ace de Coupes
This is such an odd-looking card. The cup is so big, it’s cut off out of frame on all four sides! I’m not getting an Ace of Cups feeling from it at all, more like a crowded feeling! Along with the 7 Batons and 6 Cups, this looks like I need open myself up to real emotion, not translating though other ideas first. Be aware of the energy of a first feeling without feeling overwhelmed.

Spiritually: 8 Deniers
Make a plan (8) to meditate (coins = physical position and action) and stick to it. It’s the best thing I can do spiritually at this time. We have a weekly online yoga class through my work which is very easy yoga and really mostly meditation, and it really makes me feel good. It probably would be good to expand that to more than once a week.

I tend to read everything as advice, which I certainly did this time! But we also got to see and try out some interesting cards! Have a happy Monday!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 47 Vandenborre Tarot

Post by Rachelcat »

Why the who is in the what


X. Roue de Fortune, Valet de Baton, 8 Batons, Ace de Batons

All batons all the time! Interesting to see the different forms of the batons: a big, branching one in the Ace, a rough but straighter one in the Valet, and straight, refined ones in two colors in the 8.

The Wheel is pretty chaotic, with human and animal faces peeking out. You can tell it’s not very stable, and the crowned person at the top isn’t going to be there for long. And s/he has a squared-off baton if his/her own!

I need to make a plan and put into action, not wait for someone else to tell me what to do. Because stuff happens! I should make something happen instead of waiting for it to happen to me.

Happy Tuesday to you!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 47 Vandenborre Tarot

Post by Rachelcat »

Holiday stress already!
All-Purpose Spread


Me: Valet de Coupe
I care about the celebrations even if I’m not a big believer in any religious meanings. I do believe very strongly in gratitude! And I care about people being happy and feeling festive.

Issue: V. Bacus
Will my celebrations be a fiasco?

Outcome: Valet des Epee
I will transition in time from a goofy, gooey valet of cups to a sensible, planning valet of swords. Things will turn out fine, in a predictable, “oh, this is what you planned” kind of way. (I hope I don’t grow a handlebar moustache though.)

Advice: Reine de Coupe
Yes, plan, but go with what feels right. Emotion is part of the celebration. I shouldn’t shut that out completely in a quest to have everything work out right.

I like all these face cards! And I got both Bacus keywords in the shortest reading of the card ever!

Have a great Wednesday! I hope your holiday plans are going along well!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 47 Vandenborre Tarot

Post by Rachelcat »

Thanksgiving is now at my house, with just my sister and her husband. Cozy, but still family! How will preparations and everything go?


Me: Valet de Baton
I’m figuring out where to put my energy. A schedule for cleaning, shopping, cooking, etc. (Just once I want to be a queen or king!)

Issue: 3 Epee
It will be a learning experience. And an opportunity to manifest my ideas of how it should go.

Outcome: 5 Baton
It will end up feeling like a struggle. But that’s ok. I have to put my efforts into something!

Advice: VII. Le Chariot
Go forward with confidence and win! It’s not a big deal, it’s just 2 family members. So assume success and go for it!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 47 Vandenborre Tarot

Post by Rachelcat »

Why the who is in the what


XIIII. La Temperence, Valet de Coupe, 4 Deniers, Ace de Coupe

In the emotional realm, I’m hoping and working for approval in my Thanksgiving plans. My home is my castle, and I want everything to be homey and cozy. Because I need to work on my work-life balance, really I need to break out of my stay at home shell and do something different. I shouldn’t be so anxious about the holidays, but I am because it means I have to do different things.

I wonder what “sol fama” means? Google says “only fame.” I read somewhere that that could mean your only fame should be that you have temperance and are able to control yourself. Instead of being famous for being famous, you’re famous for your virtue.

This Temperance could be very esoteric because she’s holding pitchers/water on one side and what looks like a baton on the other, combining fire and water. And is that a butterfly? Also combining air and standing on the earth. Of course we’re almost always standing on the earth and breathing air, so esoteric or mundane?

Random mutterings on Temperance today. Have a great Friday!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 47 Vandenborre Tarot

Post by Rachelcat »

Saturday on Sunday
Last day for Vandenborre
Since I have plenty of time, let’s do an Oldest Spread. What do I need to know about the Tarot Society holiday party?

Saturday on Sunday.jpg

5 pairs

XIII. La Mort and Reine des Batons: This might mark the end of my co-facilitator’s term as a facilitator. She’s got a lot of other stuff going on. Or mine. I’m feeling more out of my depth, even though the work is hardly onerous or difficult, but I’ve been doing it for a long time.

III. L’Imperatris and 2 Batons: We need someone who’s really in control to be in control and do things. The difference between the Queen of Wands and the Empress is just the measure of power. I’m more the Queen because I can keep things going as a matter of following the next steps, but I’m don’t want to lay down the law and change the usual.

XXII. Le Fou and 10 Deniers: Interesting that the Fool is 22. Not sure what that means, but . . . A newbie who takes over for us doesn’t know all the little fiddly things that have to be done to keep everyone in the group happy. Alternatively, I’m the fool, trying to come up with various things to do to make a virtual holiday party fun. Again, not doing the regular, but having to actually do something new!

XIII. La Temperence and Chevalier de Epees: I’m still following the thread of group leadership instead of party. If we do get new leaders, we have to be sure we get someone who is smart and knows tarot pretty well, but not who has an agenda or specific tarot tradition or teaching to push. We don’t want someone to take us away from our eclectic roots.

XV. Le Diable and 6 Epees: The group can sometimes seem like a multi-headed monster, or multi-faced anyway, and we might have to come up with a whole new idea or plan. Or find someone who really understands where the group should be going.

I'm glad I used a more majors spread so we got to see number 22 and the many faces of the Devil! See you soon with a new deck! Have a happy Sunday!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 47 Vandenborre Tarot

Post by dodalisque »

Rachelcat wrote: 22 Nov 2020, 16:22 Last day for Vandenborre
Thanks so much for using the Vandenborre. What an interesting deck. I might have to track down a copy. And your readings are very enjoyable too. A deck this strange requires an ability to improvise.
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