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Rachel’s DoW 38 Tinker’s Damn Tarot

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Rachel’s DoW 38 Tinker’s Damn Tarot

Post by Rachelcat »

I’ll be using the second edition, which is part of the “Tinker’s Damn Augustus F. Norwood Legacy Edition Tarot & Mantegna 2-Deck Set, Revised Second Edition.” (Love the long, long name!) (I have the first edition, too. In case you’re riveted by my collection list . . .)

I distinctly remember once saying to a tarot society friend, “I’m too through with collage decks.” And I never was a fan of dark colors and frilly borders. And then along came Tinker’s Damn. I had to eat my words and revise my judgyness. It’s a special deck that calls forth real emotional reactions, along with humorous ones, and just plain appreciative ones. I love it just because it’s itself. I hope I can show you it’s specialness.

Let’s start with the interview.


Deck’s most important characteristic, 13: The Wild Unknown
Even though it’s the end of my interest in quirky, creative decks, it also leads me into something new. Even though there are bones and skulls, I’m really focusing on the walking into the sunset. It’s the end of the movie but the beginning of the characters’ “real” lives, the rest of their lives that we don’t know anything about, but we can guess because we know their characters and how they’ve grown and changed during the movie.

Deck’s strength, 8: Equanimity
As I was saying, it’s a blend of gothy darkness, cleverness, and heartfelt emotion, an important strength for a tarot deck.

Deck’s weakness, 19: Sun
The cat is an addition in the second edition, which does give the card a warmer feel, but I’m still not getting a super sun feeling from a compass, even if it’s gold. The overwhelming dark colors can be a weakness.

What can the deck teach me? Mayoress of Earth
It can teach me to be emotionally adventurous, not to stay stuck in my own tarot rut (in the earth).

How can I learn it? Mayor of Earth
By taking the bull by the horns!? I can choose to work with all the decks in my collection not just to play with or admire but to expand my vision.

Outcome of our work together, Ten of Water
It will be play, but it will be meaningful play that will bring me together emotionally with my fellow tarot readers!

Hmm, still having weird runs of cards, like last week (three majors, then a queen and king of the same suit). I’m going to concentrate on my shuffling, and then try to accept it!

See you tomorrow, and we’ll investigate the deck further!
Please join us in This Week's Deck!

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Re: Rachel’s DoW 38 Tinker’s Damn Tarot

Post by Rachelcat »

Mild migraine today, so one card will have to do.


Nine of Fire
She has the fire, she just needs to have the confidence to use it. It’s you (my tiger) and me against the world. But I’m up for it. Red sky in morning, sailors take warning. Be strong but be cautious. Real courage is feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

Have a healthy Monday!
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Re: Rachel’s DoW 38 Tinker’s Damn Tarot

Post by Rachelcat »

A tarot society friend has asked me to be a guest speaker to her tarot class on Sunday. How will that go?


Whoa, 4 out of 5 majors and a court. Hmmm. Something is definitely going on with me, or at least my shuffling.

Physically, 13: The Wild Unknown
It might not happen at all? This will be the last time I do this for her?

Emotionally, 14: Alchemy
This is one of my favorite Temperance cards (and Temperance is my card). It will be emotionally satisfying. I’ll make connections I haven’t before. This will lead to other, unexpected things.

Intellectually, 12: Suspension
Well, I’ll be presenting stuff I’ve been working on and thinking about ever since I started with tarot. Maybe this is a sign that I need to move on, after.

Energetically, Soldier of Fire
Fire of fire of fire. This card always gives me a haunting emotional response. It’s so tragic, one person caught up in the horror of world-wide destructive madness. He does what he has to do but at what cost? And what choice does he have? For me, I need to beware of being hyper, over-energetic, nervous energy, etc. A reminder to chill to be better communicator.

Spiritually, 7: Engine
This could be some kind of spiritual release for me, moving on from the intellectual suspension. I’m not sure how, but we’ll see how it goes.

I love this deck! As I said before, nothing like what I would verbalize as something I would like, but it speaks to me in a powerful way.

Have a happy Tuesday, everyone!
Please join us in This Week's Deck!

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Re: Rachel’s DoW 38 Tinker’s Damn Tarot

Post by Rachelcat »

Why the Who is in the What


I will be able to solve (Mayoress of Air) some intellectual (Ace of Air) problems today, which will make me more comfortable (Seven of Earth). Because I need comfort and luxury today (3: Actress). I just put some showy orange lilies in a vase in my dining room office this morning! I’d say that’s a good sign that I’m on track!

Happy Wednesday to you!
Please join us in This Week's Deck!

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Re: Rachel’s DoW 38 Tinker’s Damn Tarot

Post by Rachelcat »

Thursday, new moon in Virgo, Corn Moon
My new moon wish is to be more confident and competent, and get things done with flair, in other words, I wish to be the Magician! (As I add to all wishes) to the benefit of all beings.


What’s hidden in the dark? 16: Moloch
Uh-oh. It’s not good when catastrophe is hidden in the dark. It has a terrible way of bursting out, complete with flames. The things I fear and the reasons for my news blackout are real and true. I’m keeping them in the dark from me, but they’re still there. BTW, Moloch is such a loaded word, something else that gives me that emotional jolt in this deck: He was a god who demanded that people sacrifice their own children. We need to not sacrifice our children’s future.

My wish. 1: Magician
Love this guy! And the light bulb over his head! He’s inventing, creating what’s never existed before from things that have always existed, the elements. He’s almost compelled to make and do, and he’s confident he can do it.

Something that will soon be coming to light. Mayor of Earth
This is what we need so much, a practical leader who can take the bull by the horns (there, I said it again) and do obvious, workable things to get us out of this mess we’re in.

As you see, I’m waffling between macro and minor scale here, but probably both work. As they say, the personal is the political.

I hope you have a bountiful new moon time and a happy Thursday!
Please join us in This Week's Deck!

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Re: Rachel’s DoW 38 Tinker’s Damn Tarot

Post by Rachelcat »

Why the Who is in the What


In practical matters (Ace of Earth), I’ll be very pleased (Nine of Water) with the progress of my activity (Mayoress of Fire), but it might all be an illusion (18: Moon).

Happy Friday to you!
Please join us in This Week's Deck!

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Re: Rachel’s DoW 38 Tinker’s Damn Tarot

Post by Rachelcat »

Saturday, last day for Tinker’s Damn
How will I do with my circle readings today?
Elemental star


Physically, 2: Minerva
I will try to give the impression that I’m wise (or know what I’m doing!). I will use the appearance of the cards and the spreads to make meaning.

Emotionally, Mayor of Earth
I will feel strongly that I need to give practical advice. The readings will be down to earth. What you see is what you get.

Intellectually, Three of Earth
More earth here! I will also be thinking in practical terms. I’ll be thinking about manifestation, how questioners can up advice into practice.

Energetically, 14: Alchemy
I will put my energy into blending the emotional, intellectual, and practical. And it will work. The whole will be greater than sum of the parts.

Spiritually: Ace of Water
The readings will flow from my heart.

This reading is anchored in powerful majors and centered with an ace. And filled with earth. (I’m already doing the appearance of the spread thing here!) My readings will be strong, emotionally centered, and down to earth.

I hope these predictions come true!

I’ll see you in the Sacred Days of Autumn threads!
Please join us in This Week's Deck!

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