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TDM Reading Group: Qndynes reads for IMoodyCrab

Posted: 10 Apr 2020, 17:38
by qndynes
"This month, we'll tackle a full-deck version of the French Cross spread. I call this the Australian Cross because it appears in the LWB of "Granny Jones' Australian Tarot."

Also notice that the order of the card layout is different from most French Cross spreads. Here, the center card is card 1, not card 5.

Granny Jones' Australian Cross




1. a toi (to you) - things personal to you, happening now.

2. a la tete (at your head) - your thoughts, dreams and hopes.

3. aux pieds (at your feet) - things you least care about. You know they are there, but they are not a problem. Things past or already dealt with, or things you can afford to ignore.

4. a cote (by your side) - your support or opposition, depending on the cards.

5. ta surprise (your surprise) - things you least expect to happen.

Additionally, I sometimes draw extra cards at the corners in order to illustrate the relationships between the cards. For example, I may put a card in the Northwest corner, between cards 5 and 2 to show how this surprise event will affect how your dreams and hopes could manifest themselves. Or at the SE corner, between cards 3 and 4 to explore how the past and/or what you're ignoring will influence the present."

Re: TDM Reading Group: Qndynes reads for IMoodyCrab

Posted: 10 Apr 2020, 17:39
by qndynes
Hi! Looks like I will be reading for you this month, very excited to try out this spread. Let me know if you have a particular questions you would like addressed or looked at.

Re: TDM Reading Group: Qndynes reads for IMoodyCrab

Posted: 11 Apr 2020, 05:51
by iMoodyCrab
qndynes wrote: 10 Apr 2020, 17:39 Hi! Looks like I will be reading for you this month, very excited to try out this spread. Let me know if you have a particular questions you would like addressed or looked at.
Hi! I'm excited about this cross too. Definitely looking forward to what the cards unravel. I don't have a focus at this stage, surprise me!

Re: TDM Reading Group: Qndynes reads for IMoodyCrab

Posted: 23 Apr 2020, 00:50
by qndynes
Okay so I've done the reading, picture is below.

You look to be at a crossroads (lovers), a decision is in your path and I feel it is career related, a new opportunity you're entertaining and undecided about. What you would like to do is orchestrate the whole affair to your advantage to be able to benefit from an improved position of power and agency (empress), money doesn't factor as much in this whole ordeal as you are comfortable financially at the moment (6 of c) But what is influencing this deliberation is the desire to start something new, of setting aside what you've built so far (star), yet there is apprehension and doubt about whether this is a wise move. The knave of batons hints that there is quite a bit of potential for growth not just financially in starting anew in daring to take on a new project. All the surrounding cards around the central card are auspicious so it does look good to sieze the day and dare to do.

Let me know what you think.
