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TdM Sign-Up: Australian Cross

Posted: 03 Apr 2020, 18:27
by Charlie Brown

Sign-Up HERE. Partners will be assigned on the 10th.

This month, we'll tackle a full-deck version of the French Cross spread. I call this the Australian Cross because it appears in the LWB of "Granny Jones' Australian Tarot."

Also notice that the order of the card layout is different from most French Cross spreads. Here, the center card is card 1, not card 5.

Granny Jones' Australian Cross




1. a toi (to you) - things personal to you, happening now.

2. a la tete (at your head) - your thoughts, dreams and hopes.

3. aux pieds (at your feet) - things you least care about. You know they are there, but they are not a problem. Things past or already dealt with, or things you can afford to ignore.

4. a cote (by your side) - your support or opposition, depending on the cards.

5. ta surprise (your surprise) - things you least expect to happen.

Additionally, I sometimes draw extra cards at the corners in order to illustrate the relationships between the cards. For example, I may put a card in the Northwest corner, between cards 5 and 2 to show how this surprise event will affect how your dreams and hopes could manifest themselves. Or at the SE corner, between cards 3 and 4 to explore how the past and/or what you're ignoring will influence the present.

Re: TdM Sign-Up: Australian Cross

Posted: 03 Apr 2020, 18:31
by Merrick
Sign me up good sir!

Re: TdM Sign-Up: Australian Cross

Posted: 04 Apr 2020, 03:59
by dodalisque
I have been away for a while but I can't resist the urge any longer. The extra cards added to the basic French Cross spread look as though they could be interesting.

Re: TdM Sign-Up: Australian Cross

Posted: 04 Apr 2020, 11:19
by iMoodyCrab
Me! Me! Me!
This looks mighty interesting... definitely count me in for this one.

Re: TdM Sign-Up: Australian Cross

Posted: 04 Apr 2020, 15:50
by Charlie Brown
dodalisque wrote: 04 Apr 2020, 03:59 I have been away for a while but I can't resist the urge any longer. The extra cards added to the basic French Cross spread look as though they could be interesting.
Glad to have you!

Keep in mind that those "extra" cards are optional and, personally, I've never used all four. I just thought it looked cool for the picture. With this version, they're sort of my own invention but Kris Hader has "extra" cards in his French Cross too. The French where he explains it all is a little tough for me though and I haven't yet taken the time to really go through it. IIUC, in Hadar's method (which is majors only) the basic cross gets broken down into triangles (East, NE, N is one thing, E, SE, S another, etc.)

Re: TdM Sign-Up: Australian Cross

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 12:12
by kare
Sign me up! Between a house constantly full of children and husband working at home, home school, and no going out, this might be what keeps me sane.

Re: TdM Sign-Up: Australian Cross

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 13:13
by Rachelcat
Oh, heck, why not! I like the simplicity of this one. (The hardest part is always thinking of a question.)

Re: TdM Sign-Up: Australian Cross

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 16:28
by qndynes
Sign me up!

Re: TdM Sign-Up: Australian Cross

Posted: 10 Apr 2020, 16:28
by Charlie Brown
Circle Assignments:

Kare reads for Merrick
Merrick reads for RachelCat
RachelCat reads for Qndynes
Qndynes reads for IMoodyCrab
IMoodyCrab reads for Dodalisque
Dodalisque reads for Kare