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Rachel's DoW Tarot de Paris

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Rachel's DoW Tarot de Paris

Post by Rachelcat »

My deck this week is the Tarot de Paris. It’s a little rough around the edges but charming to me. It’s interesting that it has “Faict a Paris par” on several cards (2 and 4 Coins, and 2 and 3 Cups). It looks like the printer was supposed to put his name in there, and maybe the date, but never did.

Many of the majors are interesting variations. I’ll hold off describing some in case they come up in my daily readings!

As you will see, the aces have animals holding banners with the suit sign on them. I like the swords that look like real, very wide curved swords (scimitars?). And the baston all look like natural branches or logs, not stylized or refined polo sticks or scepters.

This deck would be a great candidate for restoration/redrawing. Interesting info on the repro deck I have: It’s a repro printed in 1984. I remember on Aeclectic back in the day (maybe the 90s?) people were trying to get a copy but all were sold out. Then lately some copies were found (new old stock), and I snapped it up!

Sunday, I did a deck interview, and it seems like the deck really wants to work with me!


What is your most important characteristic? Knight of Wands
I’m full of energy and movement and raring to go!

What is your strength? 3 Wands
Same! Full of movement and change.

What is your weakness? Justice
I’m not very balanced. And I mix up my iconography: two faces is a symbol of Prudence, not Justice. And then this is Justice blindfolded, so there’s that iconography, too.

What can you teach me? 5 Swords
Confusion! I can teach you to be open-minded and mix things up.

How can I learn that from you? Judgment
By taking it to a higher level. Don’t be afraid to use the strange deck, even in public.

What will be the outcome of our working together? World
Everything is available. All is inhere if you use it and look for it.

Monday Why the Who is in the What


In the realm of action, I will be a compassionate leader trying to take care of everyone because love. Universal love is like romantic love in that you want only the best for your loved one, whatever makes them happy, health, and safe.

The news tells that the government wants to give money to everyone to stimulate the economy. I was thinking I am still working and getting paid, so I would probably donate it to some organization that helps people who are out of work, like a food bank.

See you here tomorrow!
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Re: Rachel's DoW Tarot de Paris

Post by Rachelcat »

Tuesday, New Moon in Aries, Planting Moon

A modified version of the Planting Moon spread in the booklet for Spirit de la Lune oracle by Marissa Rankin and Rachael Caringella. Gotta use a Saturn magic square when you get the chance!

-------Clear out--Nurture--Harvest


Body: Chevalier de Deniers, Roy de Deniers, Le Pape
It’s time for me to stop working so hard for others and work for myself. If I do, my harvest will be I will be an authority, not just a worker.

Mind: L’Amoureus, 8 Cups, Le Soleil
Let go of any thoughts I have of romantic love and put some time into really considering my feelings about it. And then I can be happy and everything I want to be by and to myself. I will love myself!

Spirit: 5 Cups, 9 Baston, 6 Deniers
Let go of sadness and anxiety and embrace spiritual strength. Continue to protect myself from pop culture angst. I will gain better health and a more generous spirit.

This read very easily! I love the contrast between the Lovers and the Sun! In the Lovers, the woman looks unwilling, or maybe she’s just pleasingly bashful (pleasing to men, I mean). In the sun, the woman looks very energetically pleased with her reflection. This was probably meant by the illustrator as a swipe at vanity, especially because the mirror is held by a monkey, but I got a very positive vibe from her sunny happiness. And the monkey doesn’t have to mean foolishness. He can be her playful animal side adding to her buoyant happiness!

Have a happy Tuesday, everyone!
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Re: Rachel's DoW Tarot de Paris

Post by Rachelcat »

Wednesday Why the Who is in the What


In the realm of action (Ar de Baston), I need to be proactive (Chevalier de Baston) to take care of my health and well-being (6 Deniers) because I need to hold to the happy medium in food, sleep, cleanliness, etc. (A Trempance). I know I’ve gained weight as I’ve been home: unfamiliar food and meal times, stress eating, bored eating . . . But I need to weigh myself soon and start repairing the damage. Haven’t done that yet.

The animal carrying the baston banner looks like a kind of centaur with a lion’s body and a monkey’s torso, arms and head. With angel or eagle wings! That says action and energy to me!

An interesting Temperance, even beyond the spelling. She is holding her jar high above her shoulder pouring out the water to put out a fire on her other side. So we can think the traditional combining water and fire, but maybe water is getting the upper hand here (pun intended).

Have a happy and healthy day!
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Re: Rachel's DoW Tarot de Paris

Post by Rachelcat »

Thursday Why the Who is in the What


In the realm of thoughts and ideas (Ar d’Espee), I’m an independent thinker who likes to improve others’ and my own ideas and theories (Chevalier d’Espee). Today I’ll be putting my mind to issues of self-protection and how I can be strong in these times (9 Baston). Because change is coming! (Le Jugement) It’s change for the better, but can still be scary for all that.

Finally a non-baston ace! Here we have a unicorn with a very long horn holding the espee banner.

I identify with the knight of swords because he is an INTJ in my MBTI system, as am I. I’m definitely an improver, an independent thinker, and theory focused. That’s why I like tarot! It’s ALL theory, or at least lots of different theories, and I can make up my own!

I seem to be getting 9 Baston a lot. I guess I’m focused on being strong and taking care of myself these days.

I usually like Judgment, but today it seems scary. Too much change going on already! But it’s not Death, and it’s not the Tower, so all good change. This is an opportunity to rise to the occasion and then stay at that higher level. The angel is definitely dominating this card, much larger than the other people rising. And flashing some leg, too!

I hope you all have a great day! Stay well!
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Re: Rachel's DoW Tarot de Paris

Post by Rachelcat »

Friday Why the Who is in the What


In the physical realm (Ar de Deniers), I’m sentimental (Chevalier de Coupes) about hoping everyone is healthy and not too adversely economically affected (10 Deniers) because I’m a mom (L’Inperatrice).

Here’s a lion holding the denier banner. He has a double-tufted tail!

The chevalier looks back wistfully, not at his cup, but his horse is marching forward with style!

The empress is in a nonchalant pose, with her hand on her hip, not a stiff regal presentation. Which makes her look like a mom to me. I can hear her saying “I know I’m in charge here, so just do what I say, and we’ll all be happy.”

Happy Friday, everyone!
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Re: Rachel's DoW Tarot de Paris

Post by Rachelcat »

Saturday Why the Who is in the What
Last reading with Tarot de Paris


In the physical realm (Ar de Deniers), I am a practical hands-on person who is making a plan of action because I’m strong. This is a very active reading but grounded by the Ace of Coins. But the ace has a lion! This is a 2 lion reading, with lots of baston. I supposed it’s still about the whole staying at home thing. But I need to have more of a plan and not feel so aimless. Force also hints at the physical with the lion. I need to have a plan for taking control of my body and my physical environment. Only I can be in charge of that!

Our royne looks pretty no-nonsense. She holds her baston firmly in one hand, and a banner-like cloth in the other. She has a benign but wary look.

Force is frowning in concentration as she attempts to close the lion’s mouth. She’s not at all afraid, just concentrating on getting the job done. Her sandaled foot is braced against the column that she broke. That job is already done!
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