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A week with the Ellis decK

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Very simple. Choose a deck and every day post a reading you do for yourself with that deck.This can be anything from a one-card draw to a full spread of your choosing.

In addition to your reading, you are encouraged (highly encouraged!) to talk about the deck you are using. The object of this is to inspire us to re-connect with new decks, older decks, decks we have not used in a while or just to create a deeper connection to a favourite deck.

Also, it's so interesting to us all to see other decks in use and hear about what your experience is with them.

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A week with the Ellis decK

Post by Rachelcat »

(Yes, the different capitalization is part of the official deck name.) I’m scratching my current itch for flat art this week with this deck! I have the second edition, copyright 2013. According to the artist’s site, Taylor Ellis,, he’s up to a fifth edition, and I think all the editions are different. I don’t know the right terminology to describe the art, except maybe comic book style? And flat! You’ll just have to see for yourself. But first you have to see the backs. Gotta love a non-cat deck that features cats on the back. And I love the detailed positive-negative imagery!


Now on to the interview!


Most important characteristic: The Chariot
This is a deck that doesn’t pull any punches. And it goes its own way. It’s powerful and unapologetic. Are those lions pulling the chariot? And there’s a very prominent sword which is unusual. Interesting to think the Chariot represents the paths of the planets through the stars. Not sure how to read that here, but interesting!

Strength: Justice
Here’s where we expect a prominent sword! I love the black and white for justice. And the bird motif connects it strongly to the swords cards. Her eyes are closed, but she’s not blindfolded. She chooses to be impartial. The strength of the deck is again that it’s straightforward and easy to read. Things are either white or black.

Weakness: Four of Rods
The two-tailed fox (a mischievous, possibly dangerous spirit) is sheltered under the leaves, while his more normal fox cohorts proudly march forth in any weather. That’s different for 4 Wands! But it works for 4 = enclosed + wands = energy. He’s saving his energy, maybe for more mischief, but that cuts him off from social contacts. As a weakness of the deck, these oddish interpretations are kind of jarring. (But I love them!)

What deck can teach me: King of Rods
In this deck, the rods seem to be more related to living, growing energy than actual fire, although we see both here. There is yellow and gold, but more green. Oh, and the gold bits are leaves. And the fox makes an appearance as a headdress. The deck can teach me how to learn and grow, and/or how to bring more nature energy into my readings.

How can I learn it? Page of Cups
Instead of a fish in a cup on the beach, we have a seahorse in the cup of a mermaid. She still looks surprised, though! I can learn from the deck by using my beginner’s mind and following my feelings, including letting the colors have a say in the meanings.

Outcome of our work together: The Empress
She has two Venus/female emblems, and blue hair, and a subtle infinity sign. Or is that a waterfall? She is nature, combining the green of earth and the blue of water, day and night, flowers and greenery. She’s an attractive woman. She has wheat sheaves on her shield. As an outcome, the deck will bring me to more fully appreciate the art and beauty of the cards. I think that’s already happened in this reading!

So that’s sounds good! I hope you are enjoying the deck. Have a happy Sunday!
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Re: A week with the Ellis decK

Post by Thelder »

Thanks for featuring this deck. I own the fourth edition, but I also have the third edition on my wish list because it features an unusual Seuss-like image on the backs of the cards all by itself. The fourth edition has this same image, but it also has stripes and monkeys on the backs as well.

Like you, I also don’t know the right terminology to describe the art. Because each of the cards is so unique, as well as the fact that the Justice card is black and white, I initially thought it might be a collaboration deck. At times, it seems like each card is shouting its own individual message so strongly that I find it takes a great deal of effort to hear what the cards are saying as a whole.
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Re: A week with the Ellis decK

Post by Rachelcat »

A tarot lover after my own heart: wanting a deck for the backs! Yes, I agree, the cards to seem to shout! And really draw attention to themselves instead of being "transparent" to their interps. I like that because sometimes I need to be hit over the head in order to see something! But I think it does have internal consistency, with the foxes and all.

Now for today's reading:

I was going to be off this week, but I was needed to do a few things, so I’m working today and off the rest of the week. So of course this morning my internet is down! Only when I’m actually needed to work, of course! So the question is will things get back to normal working conditions soon? All-Purpose Spread I guess.


Me: Page of Pentacles
Nice pig. I’m feeling a little helpless because of this physical problem.

Issue: Four of Cups
And I’m feeling very uneasy about being disconnected.

Outcome: Two of Pentacles
Either it will be fixed or it won’t. It’s forcing me to work on my work-life balance. It’s a physical thing I have to deal with. So I’ll deal with it whether I like it or not.

Advice: King of Pentacles
Don’t be a page, be a king. Take charge of the physical/real world challenge and do what has to be done to make things work.

All the pentacles are appropriate for this issue. Interesting that there’s more than one pentacles animal: pigs and a rabbit. Why are the pentacles courts so white? But it does work to show the differences between the suits in a reading.

Have a happy Monday! I hope it’s starting off better than mine! I finally got back online, so I have to rush off and do actual work now!
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Re: A week with the Ellis decK

Post by Rachelcat »

Time to try out a spread I created a while back, the Wirth-Inspired Path Spread. Let me know if you want me to post the whole spread with explanation in the spreads section. No question.

The spread is a long chain of 11 cards, so here’s the reading in 2 pics.


This reading is about the path of hard work and struggle (Ten of Rods).

Questioner at the start of the path: The Wheel
I’m at a place where I can go anywhere or do anything. I like structure, but I don’t have much structure at the moment.

Lesson to be learned and action to take, four pairs:

Two of Cups + Lovers. Well, that’s appropriate. I need to learn how to relate with someone on an equal level, with trust. And to do that, I have to take a chance on love.

King of Cups + Knight of Swords. I need to learn how to be in charge of my emotions. To do that, I have to understand them more intellectually.

Ace of Cups + Knight of Cups. Lots of cups, and courts, going on here! I need to learn all about emotions, not just my own. To do that, I need to learn it from an emotional, romantic person. Similar to the first pair, take a chance on getting to know someone.

Five of Cups + Page of Pentacles. More cups! I need to learn how to deal with negative emotions. To do that, I have to act in a grounded and practical way.

Result: Six of Rods
I will be successful at the end of my difficult path of learning more about emotions!

Well, that was unexpected! I like how the colors really point out the same suit, all those yellow and blue cups cards!

Have a lovely day, everyone!
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Re: A week with the Ellis decK

Post by Rachelcat »

Cardinal Virtues and Me. Because I can do a longer spread today because I’m off work. (But kind of working still. You know how it is . . .)


Outer fortitude: My greatest strength: Knight of Swords
Yes, true! INTJ, air of air, those are my strengths. I’m logical, curious, and like to organize ideas. I like it and definitely think it’s a strength.

Outer temperance: What do I have too much or too little of? The Chariot
Maybe I don’t have enough get up and go? The Chariot is one of those balance cards, and this is a balance question. Maybe I’m too balanced, so as to be unmoving? Those go together!

Outer justice: Where do I need to be more fair? The Empress
I need to be fair as a mother and as a daughter? I thought I was doing ok, but . . . ?

Outer prudence: What should I be doing? Ten of Pentacles
I know that this means. I need to get my finances in order, not just for myself, but for my family. But I’m the only one who can do it.

Inner fortitude: My goddess superpower: Eight of Cups
This is one of the best 8 Cups I’ve seen. The mermaid’s out of here! I’m good at understanding emotions and leaving them behind when necessary. (Not really to either one, but I guess I could MAKE that my superpower?)

Inner temperance: My paradox: Nine of Pentacles
As with the 10 Coins above, my finances are all mine, but they’re not all mine. And I have plenty to live the way I want to, but it’s not as stable as I would like.

Inner justice: Where do I need more healthful balance? Four of Cups
In relation with the 8, I need to figure out what emotions to keep and what to let go of. It’s not healthy to take in everyone else’s sturm und drang. Block it out and/or let it go!

Inner prudence: What’s the big picture? The World
The whole world is the big picture? Undoubtedly, but what does that mean to me? Same as the last card, I guess. People, society, media are all pushing agendas. There’s more to the world and my life than that. It’s a big world out there, far bigger than what I’m seeing in my daily life.

Well, that gave me some things to think about! I hope you enjoy your day!
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Re: A week with the Ellis decK

Post by Rachelcat »

Opportunity, Challenge, Resolution


Opportunity: King of Swords
I have the opportunity to master a subject, probably through analysis, that is, breaking it down into pieces and comparing and contrasting. This is a very balance-y, contrasting card. Plus the sword is balanced on a feather. Both track very closely with Justice.

Challenge: Justice
The challenge of the learning, mastering, and contrasting is not to make it a moral judgment. Just because two things are different doesn’t mean one is wrong and one is right. I’m kind of worried about her holding the bird upside down. I hope it’s a scale with a bird design, not an actual bird. Same with the sword.

Resolution: Nine of Pentacles
This kind of seems like a non sequitur after all that swordsy stuff. Oh, wait, but there IS a bird! To bring these two together, I just need to count my blessings. I’m so lucky to have the opportunity to learn and challenge my own ideas. I have time. And I’m always grateful to be living in the internet age. Also, I need to get up close and personal with the bird. It’s not just an airy idea, it has repercussions in the real world (pentacles).

Hmm, lots to think about. I’m really enjoying this deck! Have a great day, everyone!
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Re: A week with the Ellis decK

Post by Rachelcat »

Lammas reading
It’s time for another eighth of the year reading already! (Traditional date is August 1, astrological date, sun enters 15 degrees Leo, is tomorrow.) So on with the show!


Me: Two of Swords
Bird blindfolds and bird claw hilts. I’m trying to figure things out rationally. Breaking topics down and putting them back together again in ways that make more sense to me.

Relationships: Ace of Cups
I’m going to be better able to express my feelings about my relationships. I’ll be feeling more universal love. A stranger is a friend I haven’t met yet.

Background: Seven of Rods
I’m coming from a place where I had to protect myself, and I kind of liked proving to others and myself that I can be strong. He’s doing a great job of stopping those who are attacking him. And he has a fox to back him up! Or maybe he’s protecting the fox.

Goals: Nine of Swords
But now it’s time for me to take responsibility for my contribution to the troubles I faced. I was so tired of being blamed for everything for so long, I really thought I didn’t have any actual blame. Maybe I need to revisit that, solely for the purpose of correcting those faults in the future.

Health and wealth: Judgement
This is a very judgy judgment. There are three angels, or a triple one, one to call, one to send to fire, and one to send to a heart. It’s time to take my healthy habits to the next level. That means exercising beyond walking. And my finances, too. Whatever that entails! This is my wakeup call!

Emotions: Strength
This card has a lot of details. The human looks like a child dressed in a wolf costume. She’s small but isn’t afraid to be wild. The lion is all smiles but has a mean-looking snake for a tail. (Ok, it could be a separate snake . . .) The child controls both, by caressing the friendly and firmly holding the mean. Right next to the Ace of Cups, I may have strong or even difficult emotions, but I can handle them and use them to achieve my goals.

Intellect: Knight of Swords
Yikes, too much of a good thing! Air of air in the air position! Riding a three-headed crow in a crow mask with horns. This ties in with the Two of Swords. I will be trying very hard to figure things out, using my mind more than my emotions. I’m thinking I will be exploring new subjects for which I’ll need to use my head for more than a hat rack. But I know I’ll enjoy it!

Energy: Seven of Pentacles
Oh, here’s the enjoyment (seven)! Overall, my energy will be expended on growing something that makes a real difference. Considering the Seven of Rods, Nine of Swords, and the other swords. Looks like it will be a time of learning and growth.

Now the timeline:

In September, I’ll be paying attention to my feelings.

At Halloween, I’ll be called upon to show my strength. Maybe I’ll get a wolf costume!

At Christmas, I’ll be facing the music.

In February, I’ll be geeking out.

In the spring, I’ll have a decision to make.

May Day will inspire me to rise above.

On my birthday, I’ll be loving the fight.

This time next year, I’ll have something to show for my work.

I wonder if any of this will actually come about? I’ll have to remember to check back and compare it with the reality!

Have a great Friday!
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Re: A week with the Ellis decK

Post by Rachelcat »

Saturday, last day for the Ellis decK
What’s going to happen with our tarot society going back to in-person meetings?
Elemental star I think will work for this.


Physically: Page of Swords
He’s taking a closer look through his sword. We will be very careful to follow the science and the guidelines.

Emotionally: The Tower
Some people really won’t like what we decide or do! I don’t really think it will be anything like this drastic, but you never know . . .

Intellectually: Six of Pentacles
It will encourage people to present and share their wisdom more. I guess more people will be comfortable with presenting in person than on Zoom.

Energetically: The World
I guess the Tower energy won’t last long. Or people who are so against it will leave the group, leaving our energy united and successful.

Spiritually: Nine of Cups
People will really feel like they are gaining something of value individually, not just spinning their wheels in belonging to an ok group.

Well, that Tower concerned me, but with 6s, 9s, and the World, looks like all will turn out well! See you tomorrow with the Two-Penny Oracle. Have a great weekend!
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