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Thoth Circle Partners - June

Participants in the June Tarot Reading Circle: Use this space for your readings and interactions. Have Fun!
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Participants in the June Tarot Reading Circle: Use this space for your readings and interactions. Have Fun!
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Joan Marie
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Joined: 22 Apr 2018, 21:52

Thoth Circle Partners - June

Post by Joan Marie »

Okay Everybody, Thothies new and...not so new!
Here is this month's circle:
  • Charlie Brown reads for qndynes
  • qndynes reads for dodalisque
  • dodalisque reads for crowcallsthenight
  • crowcallsthenight reads for Charlie Brown
The Reader from each pair should open a New Topic (here) right away, please.
Because we have several reading activities going, it is very helpful if the subject line of your thread follows this format:

Thoth: (your name) reads for (sitter's name)

Partner's give each other the question or topic they would like to have addressed by this month's spread. Here it is again:


Card "0" is the sitter. It is the significator, or the will, the action to be taken at the end of the reading, the answer to the question.

Cards 1, 2, & 3 represent the first 3 Sephiroth of the Tree of Life.

1= Kether, The Crown - Focus of the matter

Cards 2 (Chokmah, Wisdom) and 3 (Binah, Understanding) are the modifying influences of the other two cards.

And to repeat, the Thoth is so multi-layered. Bring whatever skills you've got to this, be they a formidable understanding of the magic Qabalah, or a reliance on the keywords. The point it to work with the Thoth.

Remember we are all here to work and learn with each other.

Let's try to have readings completed by no later than the 25th of June and feedback on those readings by the end of the month.

If anyone needs a refresher on reading group guidelines: How To: Reading Circles and Groups

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Have Fun!
Button Soup Tarot, Star & Crown Oracle available @: Rabbit's Moon Tarot 💚
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