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My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

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My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by Nemia »

This is an invitation to work with one card deck for one week in a group reading.

You can pick any deck: tarot, Lenormand, Kipper, oracle or playing cards. From this deck, you'll draw one card per day - i.e., seven Daily Cards from your Deck of the Week that allow you to get to know the deck better, to hone your reading skills and get new insights about your life.

In a Planetary Week reading, we don't only draw a card per day but also give it a topic. We focus on motifs, topics, patterns in our lives, inspired by the planetary ruler of every weekday (for background information, look here).

On Saturdays, ruled by Saturn: Obstacles and Blockades,
on Sundays, ruled by the Sun: Inspiration and Goals,
on Mondays, ruled by the Moon: Dreams and Fears,
on Tuesdays, ruled by Mars: Conflicts and Challenges,
on Wednesdays, ruled by Mercury: Interactions and Change,
on Thursdays, ruled by Jupiter: Power and Influences, and
on Fridays, ruled by Venus: Love and Attraction.

The focus words I chose for each planet/day are not binding. Please don't limit yourself to the two short words if you feel other aspects of the planet are relevant to your reading.

There are different ways to perform a Planetary Week reading.

Traditional: draw a card per day and use the prism of the planetary influence to connect the card to your day and life.

Selective: select a card that suits the topic of each weekday and use it as affirmation and empowerment to improve your life.

Day-by-day: draw or pick your daily card one by one through the week.

Summarily: draw or pick all cards together before the week starts and treat them as a complete reading.

:!: And what about those who just want to have a Deck of the Week, Card of the Day reading? They can just jump in and leave the planetary lore away.

Share pictures if you can or want to.

No matter how we do it - by reminding ourselves of the planetary regents and their influence, we re-connect to the sevenfold cycle of time that our ancestors established, with their eyes to the sky.

Stronglove - Mesquite Tarot
Nemia - Aquarian Tarot
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Re: My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by stronglove »

i have looked for a soft and gentle deck this week and decided on the mesquite tarot.
it is a lovely, small deck, great cardstock, with a wonderful guidebook.

saturday - obstacles and blockades
the seven of wands
wow, that is me! always running for higher ground because i feel besieged so often.
but am i really under attack? and am i standing my ground for the right cause?
maybe the image represents me trying to keep my demons, the whispering of the devil, at bay....
in that case it might be a good thing to reach out and ask for help.....
(and that’s what i did today. called a friend. within a couple of minutes she had disarmed my devil for me. wow!)

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Re: My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by Nemia »

Oh, Stronglove, what a wonderful deck! You have great decks I notice :-)

I decided to go for a popular deck that I bought only lately - the Aquarian. My first tarot book (Spiritual Tarot) was illustrated with the Morgan Greer (which I bought immediately - back in 198something), the RWS (which I bought some eight years ago when the Commemorative was released) and the Aquarian which left me coldish. I bought the tin version and only used it as deck of the week until now. And I'll repeat that exercise here, hoping to get more from the deck.
2018 07 28 Aquarian Tarot Queen of Rods.jpg
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Re: My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by litefoot13 »

Been meaning to try participating in this before, finally getting around to doing so. >.>
*has been neglecting her cards for a couple months, boo*

Because it's the one I've been teaching myself with, I'll be using my Shadowscapes deck, with additional meaning contributed by the Type Tarot. (I pull out the corresponding card and use it as a sort of guide before looking at the guidebook.)

Saturday, Obstacles and Blockades: 5 of Cups.

Ouch. Right to the heart with this one.

Regret and loss, wishing for what might have been.
(When I looked at the Type Tarot card, one word that jumped out at me was 'wish', something I've been doing a LOT of lately, just sighing and wishing things would be different.)

Lately I've been having a lot of problems with depression and anger and emotions that are all over the chart, mostly because I've been feeling a bit like I'm wasting my life. I live in a place where if you aren't married with 3 kids by the age of 30, people wonder what's wrong with you. (Not that I want that, just that I feel judged for not having it.)
I've been spending a lot of time looking back and regretting a lot of things and wondering if there was anything I could have done to not screw up so badly. It's been affecting a lot of areas in my life, and I think this card is telling me I need to try to move on, that this is an issue I need to get past.

It's something I am working on, but obviously it's not a challenge that will prove to be easy to surmount.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by stronglove »

sunday - inspiration and goals
the five of arrows/swords
what an incredible deck this is, its imagery so simple but so unequivocal....
i see myself, again, maybe after having fended off the attack from yesterday’s card.... it appears i have won, i have raised three arrows as a token of victory, but it feels rather empty. my (real or imagined) adversary has left me and is limping away in defeat. so i am alone now with my arrows. i can imagine myself running after the disappearing figure, wanting to make amends, to say i am sorry. but it feels like it’s too late for that and i have lost this connection forever.
oh how often have i been in this position..... the arrows are about thought and logic, the sharp edge of reason and i have used my fast and creative thinking brain so often to talk myself out of all kinds of unpleasant confrontations.....
i think this card is asking me to set an intention not to use my sharp mind to extract myself from conflicts, but instead to keep the connection going and flowing. maybe start listening more before i speak.....
at the same time i can see that this is also what i am doing to myself, what i am putting myself through so often. in that sense it connects perfectly to last week’s sequence, it is the moment when the devil’s whispers have finally convinced me that there is no hope for humanity, that i can do nothing to make this world a better place, that all my attempts to connect to something higher are rubbish and that everybody is only trying to advance by stepping on other people’s heads, without remorse. this is when the dark night of the soul is taking over.
so i think i should set a similar intention for myself to start listening to my inner voice more, and to not walk away in defeat, but to give that devil a run for his money.....
i have a tattoo on my left arm with the best ever counter-argument..... i should look at it and read it and ingest it more often.....


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Re: My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by Nemia »

2018 07 28 Aquarian Tarot Queen of Rods.jpg

The week started on Saturday with the Queen of Rods for me. Indeed, it's not the first time this queen appears in a position where she says: I'm blocked. How can I solve the blockage? I don't know. But I know that while the Queen of Disks/Pentacles and Queen of Cups are activated in my life, and to a certain degree even the Queen of Swords - the Queen of Rods/Wands/Batons is not. I don't know when it happened and how but the energy of this queen is not available to me.

2018 07 29 Aquarian Tarot Eight of Cups.jpg

Yesterday, Sunday, Eight of Cups. What did I walk away from yesterday? the day of the Sun? It was a quietly busy day, and I gave up nothing, let go nothing. My aspirations, inspirations, life force - what did I do with them yesterday? Not much. The moon rules this card image.

2018 07 30 Aquarian Tarot Seven of Swords.jpg
2018 07 30 Aquarian Tarot Seven of Swords.jpg

Today, Monday, day of the Moon, of dreams, intuition, and this card. I don't know how it will play out. I think the Sevens are under-appreciated, like Robert Place, I find there's a lot we can learn from the Sevens - number of the planets, number of weekdays, number of virtues, and the sephira of Venus. I have the feeling that in the tarot, the Sevens are difficult because Netzach is thought to be a corrupting influence - the esoteric teachings are a bit androcentric and celebrate the male principle over the female. Well, they're not exactly enamored by Gvura either. But poor Netzach seems to spoil everything she touches... and I'd like to see a feminist tarot that changes the way it thinks about Netzach and the Sevens.

This deck. It's beautiful, yes. It's totally RWS so very easy to read with, I didn't see even one card where the artist wavered from the RWS interpretation of the cards, neither in the majors nor the minors. I'm not totally on board though. The tin edition is a perfect gem, I love the colour scheme and use of negative space and precious lines... but I still prefer the Commemorative and Morgan Greer if I want to see a RWS. There's something nearly diluted about this deck. Oh well, this is so subjective... I'll re-read my first tarot book, Spiritual Tarot, NOW.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by litefoot13 »

Sunday, Inspirations and Goals: King of Wands

Well that's quite the interesting coincidence - I'm looking through the book for this deck, and lo and behold one of the phrases I see is 'source of inspiration'
How about that?

Anyways, that aside, I get a real feeling that I need to aspire to be the king in this case - he is his own inspiration, drives his own sense of purpose.
I have a bad tendency to get swayed by people or events or situations - I'll pick something up for a day, a week, a month or so, but without my own internal drive to keep going, because I'm doing it 'for the likes' or 'for the comments', it just...fizzles.
I have abandoned blogs, half finished projects, supplies for a dozen hobbies that I've used maybe once and never touched again, because my inspiration is a fickle muse I have created from external sources.
I need to do things because I want to do them, or because they make me happy, regardless of whether I get any positive responses from anyone else.
I go by Arie. :3
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Re: My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by stronglove »

monday= dreams and fears
well, this is totally spot on: the nine of arrows/swords
what an evocative image, it perfectly visualizes the state i am in, after a sleepless night, tossing and turning because of the heat (heatwave has been relentless this time, not likely to cool down any day soon) and worrying and fussing about all the problems i am going to face the coming months, going back,and forth over possible solutions.....
at the same time i am desperately wishing for that cloud to bring rain, storm, anything to rid me of this stifling damp prison i have been living in for more than a week now..... if the cloud needs to release the arrows for that, so be it!
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Re: My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by litefoot13 »

Monday, Dreams and Fears: Queen of Pentacles, reversed. (I've recently been trying to read cards as reversed if it feels right to do so.)

The queen is rooted, strong, and ready to support, holding out a gift of help, but when I look at the card reversed, it's about to fall out of her hands and drift slowly away.
Lately I have been trying to dream big, to make plans for the future, but there is always a small part of me worried that things will go wrong and that it will all blow away on the wind.
I suppose I need to focus on the small things first, and rooted properly and carefully supported, they will grow into big things.
I go by Arie. :3
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Re: My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by stronglove »

tuesday - mars - conflict and challenges
as soon as i get up i know that something is ‘off’.... i am out of sync big time, everything goes wrong, i forget stuff, arrive too late, at the wrong place, weird things happen, i curse and swear.....
then i draw my card, and it’s the magician. and i know his type..... he’s the trickster that fucks up my day. look at him standing there, on a pile of stardust, throwing it in the air as if to mock me..... he is the spoke in my wheel, the sugar in my gas tank.... i want to get rid of him asap....
then i read the guidebook and start to see him differently
“it’s so easy to forget how much power you really have. more than you know. no need to prove anything. the real question is: how will you use it?”
wow, this guidebook is something else! i love it!
the guidebook provides three questions, which can be seen as challenges, so i decide to draw three cards for them.
1: (in the middle) how will you direct your mind, cultivate your magic, your own story?
2. (to the left) how might you take what you believe and translate it to the everyday?
3. (to the right) how might you make sense of this bewildering and lovely life, of all its absurdity and wonder?
1 gets the chariot. and wow, what a card..... never seen anything like it! and it immediately provides the right answer: by flying/ taking flight. by trusting myself and my inner knowledge completely. i can see myself floating, gliding on the airstreams, looking around me, seeing everything from a new perspective, MY perspective..... this is the most fitting card for this question, i love it!
2 gets the novice/page of fire, and again a perfect draw.... answer: by fire. by using MY element to start a story, to light a fire that everyone can warm their hearts and hands on, or cook their meals on, or light their candles on. what a perfect translation of sharing and giving.....
3 gets the leader/king of cups. i am stunned, because nobody is better equipped to make sense of the world than s/he...... so caring and confident and warm and balanced, and inviting as well!
what and incredible reading!

from fragility to humility....maybe white lives should matter a little less
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Re: My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by litefoot13 »

Tuesday, Conflicts and Challenges: Knight of Wands.

Not real surprised by this one, it speaks to a couple of things I KNOW are challenges for me.

In both my book and the Type Tarot deck, the word 'changes' jumped out at me. I've both been trying to start and avoid many changes - I like things to go routinely, changes are something I DO NOT LIKE but that I'm coming to realize are necessary in my life.

I also got a feeling from the card that the book confirmed, that I need to watch out for fire and fury - I have a VERY quick temper that I've been having trouble biting back lately.
I go by Arie. :3
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Re: My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by stronglove »

wednesday - interactions and change
the ace of cups.... and yes, it looks totally different from the previous cards.
the interactions and change will be about my feelings, emotions, intuition
and i can see how it fits. there has been a shift in the way i am in the world, in the way i feel about my self, my life. this card reflects on that shift. it is helping me cross that threshold into a new way of being, the next step will be exploring this new uncharted territory, and the way i tend to do this is to look for the extremes, see how far i can go before i get stopped by a boundary.....
this card is again a perfect visual interpretation of my state of being, i am completely blown away by this deck......
and the guidebook! some poetic fragments about this card:
“new feelings swell & rush, a flood to parched parts if your heart.”
“ remember.... the freshness of waking up in a foreign place?”
“open up to the outpour if radiant feels, the tide,...... out.”

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Re: My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by Nemia »

On Monday, indeed a little project ended and I'm quite glad it did.

Wow, what a week, I can't find the time for a daily card right now, i.e. it's difficult to find the time to scan and write about them. I'm in my clam phase right now :lol: but let's see.

2018 07 31 Aquarian Tarot Five of Pentacles.jpg

The day before yesterday, Tuesday, conflicts - and the Five of Pentacles. Money troubles! We're having quite a lot of them lately and it makes me angry with myself. There is something destructive in my self-anger because it achieves nothing. I still didn't really increase my income and I know that I have to. For so many years, there was always something coming along, I never really had to make an effort, I was always hired (as freelancer). Now some jobs are running out, I myself finished others, and I can't make even the most minimal effort to market myself and seek other jobs actively. I feel the lack of money. So does my husband who works like a madman but one income is simply not enough. Life has become so expensive.

2018 08 01 Aquarian Tarot High Priestess.jpg

Yesterday, Wednesday, Mercury and communication. Did I have a High Priestess moment? No, not really. Oh, just a second. There was something. I don't remember it now but I must have written something down. This is a very wistful and even sad High Priestess.

2018 08 02 Aquarian Tarot Three of Rods.jpg

Today, Thursday, the Three of Rods. Indeed a leadership question, where do I envision myself and how am I going to get there?

It's so weird to live like that - in such a very, very happy relationship and such unhappy financial circumstances! And I'm so thankful it's not the other way around. And somehow, like always, I have the inner feeling that something will happen. Now all I have to do is not wait until it happens but make it happen. That will be the day! Jupiter, send some luck, and all the Wands cards I had over the last year - give me a little kick please! :lol:
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Re: My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by litefoot13 »

Wednesday, Interactions and Change - Queen of Swords, reversed.

I was having trouble even connecting with this card. It wasn't saying one thing to me as I stared at it. I picked out my keywords from the corresponding Type Tarot card - nothing. Read the book - nothing.
I ended up searching for what the reversed meaning could hold (I haven't really studied them much yet, and my book does not list anything for them), just to see if that gave me any ideas, and lo and behold.

On one site I read a suggested meaning that mentioned thinking with one's heart, rather than one's head, and how it could cloud the perceptions of your interactions with people. Bingo and jackpot.
At work lately I've been almost paranoid about how a coworker of mine seems to have stopped talking to me. I've been super concerned about if I said something to her to offend her, or if she's just been tired and not up to visiting or what.

I think I need to try to live up to the Queen and try to see more clearly, without putting a tint of paranoia into how I view other people. Everyone has bad weeks, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.
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Re: My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by stronglove »

my card for thursday : power and influences. the 2 of cups
what a sweet card! and what a beautiful text from the guidebook.....
such a pity i have no use for it today......
because i have to rush, get my friend and her 2 children to the airport. after a 1,5 hour drive, i spend 1 hour inside with them, trying to change their seats and help them check in their luggage, i drive back again and collapse on the couch in agony, my knees hurt so much.....

an hour later my help comes to clean my house, i get my first photo of mom and the children sitting in front of a church in Prague, waving at me. i call a friend and ask her to come and give me a massage, and at night i watch a soppy, hilarious, feelgood movie about a gay/drag club that has to be closed due to financial trouble and all the customers and neighbours get together to steal a diamond necklace from the museum during the gay canal pride in Amsterdam, and i just sit there and cry my eyes out. and i realise this is what the card is about. connection. family, belonging, being there for eachother no matter what. and i think about my own extended family, the group of wonderful people my sweetheart and i have gathered around us over the years. and i feel blessed. she has gone, but they are still here. and we all carry a part of her with us, inside us.
and then i cry some more....
so yes, love and connection and giving and receiving are powerful acts and they inspire powerful feelings

from fragility to humility....maybe white lives should matter a little less
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Re: My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by stronglove »

friday, love and attraction. the seven of arrows.... yuck!
i have a real problem with that card, because i cannot deal with the idea of sneakyness and betrayal that is attributed to it. i just refuse to believe that is the message of the card. because i cannot see it. to me it always looks more like someone is moving those dangerously sharp swords to a safer place, so other people can’t get hurt by them. i mean, what are they doing standing/lying around there anyway, with nobody near that would be able or willing to use them?
in the mesquite card there is no sign of any subterfuge. so i consult the guidebook for clarification. and yes, here too there is talk of a sly vibe, of exploitation, of reshaping the truth. but then it goes on about separation and loneliness, both consequences of secretive behaviour. and i suddenly find a meaning that makes sense to me. because one of the keywords is individualism. and i can see how that might lead to isolation. i can see the figure in the card walking away with the arrows. s/he has decided that they have to be moved elsewhere, but has s/he shared her/his concerns and the eventual decision to move the arrows with other interested parties? or will they only find out what has happened when they come looking for those arrows?
and i remember quite a few situations where this has happened to me. acting on impulse or from a conviction that i know what is best and that everybody should be able to see it that/my way, then finding out afterwards that this is not the case, and having to deal with angry people and the real risk of being ostracized for my individualist attitude.....
though i cannot see any connection to love and attraction, this card sure has given me food for thought!

from fragility to humility....maybe white lives should matter a little less
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Re: My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by stronglove »

my planetary week with the mesquite tarot
i wanted a soft and gentle deck and i got it.
but i received some really deep and powerful messages as well
i love this deck and its poetic guidebook and will use it more often in the future.
from fragility to humility....maybe white lives should matter a little less
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Re: My Planetary Week # 10: July 28 - August 3

Post by Nemia »

I finished the week with the Star:

2018 08 03  Aquarian Tarot Star.jpg

but the day itself was not very starry.

I felt the whole week a disconnect with this deck of cards.

week 2018 07 28 - 08 03 Aquarian Tarot.jpg

It's very beautiful and melancholic but I felt as though it told me nothing, nothing.......
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