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Four of Pentacles (RWS)

Here we discuss the workhorse of Tarot, The Rider-Waite-Smith deck.
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Four of Pentacles (RWS)

Post by TheLoracular »


Four is an auspicious number for me. There are so many metaphors, esoteric correspondences and positive attributions made for four. In the Tetragrammaton, YHVH Fire has evoked Water which has synthesized with it Air and then Earth is born. Earth completes and begins things anew.

So it was weird that the King on the 4 of Pentacles felt like such a schmuck when I was a a lot younger than I am now. Handsome, but snarky and selfish. Its only now that I'm looking up at him in a different way as I sit with my study Universal Waite deck next to me. Because I just looked at his hands and the way he is holding that pentacle. Its not like he's holding something greedily at all. Its as if he's about to start turning the pentacle and gives me a very yin-yang dualism, those hands the way they are poised and his arms form an almond shape.

The town behind him feels like it is being protected by this king and his feet are resting on those two pentacles but with a slight lift to the heel as if he was prepared to stand and go into motion. The way the four pentacles are positioned make me mentally see an inverted Tau cross of sorts, and thing of chakras and energy passing from above, through the king, to the kingdom.

That's me waxing pretty esoteric today and not talking about the meaning whatsoever. So there are the basics of financial security, greed stubbornness, and inflexibility. I might give advice on making strategic long-term plans and if faced with a choice, take the more conservative or practical position.
Tarot is a great and sacred arcanum- its abuse is an obscenity in the inner and a folly in the outer. It is intended for quite other purposes than to determine when the tall dark man will meet the fair rich widow.”
― Jack Parsons
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Re: Four of Pentacles (RWS)

Post by A-M »

What I see is the emperor of the major arcana, with different symbolism.
The man has conquered (he is king of) matter. The cube he is sitting on represents matter/earth in alchemy. The city in the background reinforces the symbolism of the cube: he is sitting on the city/materialism.
The pentagram also represents spirit (the point on top) ruling over matter (the 4 elements).
His arms form an ouroboros: he is connected to the eternal.
His robe is red and blue: in him the polarities (masculine and feminine energies) have merged. His appearance is also rather androgyn.
His crown refers to the three energy channels that are involved in a kundalini awakening. These three energy channels are also reflected in the three towers on the right.

my two cents. :-)

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