This forum is officially closed. It will however remain online and active in a limited form for the time being.

The Devil's Advocate

Do you possess a controversial or unpopular opinion?
This is the place for you.
Forum rules
Greetings Trouble Makers.
This is the place where you can ask the difficult questions, raise some issues, be controversial, rattle some cages.

You just have to follow a few simple, fairly obvious rules:

1. The topic you bring up MUST be in some way tarot related (or Oracle, Lenormand, etc of course)

2. You can be controversial without being rude. The occasional emoji or accompanying image can do a lot to help you get your point and ideas across the way you mean them. Think of emojis as "clarifiers."

3. Let's all assume we all mean well. Sometimes, in writing words can come across harsher than they were meant (see rule 2 for help with this) but let's try to help each other gain clarity and not let discussions turn into arguments.

4. If you find yourself becoming heated about something here, go for a nice relaxing walk or something before replying. It's just an internet forum.

5. Stay open minded.

That should be enough for this to run smoothly.

Oh wait: VERY Important

6. This space is not for personal beefs with individuals. You can discuss the ISSUE but naming names in any derogatory way ain't gonna fly here. That's what Facebook is for. 💚
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