
Here are some common Acronyms you may see across the Forum

If you know an acronym that should be added, please send it to:  (or click the "contact us" icon below)


CoT = Cult of Tarot


KS = Kickstarter, popular crowdfunding site.


LWB = Little White Book, the small book or pamphlet that is often included with most decks, a sort of guide to the deck.


OOP = Out of Print


PM = Private Message, a forum function that allows you to communicate directly with other forum members


RWS = Rider Waite Smith, probably the world's most popular Tarot Deck


TdM = Tarot de Marseille, A popular Tarot deck from Southern France created c.1700 


UCP = User Control Panel, The place where you can set your forum preferences. Set your profile, Avatars, change passwords, Select styles, and lots of other things. Click your username or icon in the top right corner to access,